Writing things and how I got outed as a fic writer in RL (crud)

Oct 11, 2009 13:00

Apologies for the lack of LJ cut on the last post. My cuts and coding haven't been quite right since last September, and I have no idea why they sometimes act up. It only seems to get funky when I include LJ usernames, but not links. Any ideas what may be going on?

I've been pretty quiet the last two weeks, but I have been silently puttering around ( Read more... )

ficathons, life in new york, boys read fanfic too, writing

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Comments 23

hello_spikey October 12 2009, 03:03:41 UTC
Oh. My. Gawd.

I would probably spontaneously combust from blushing if a guy in RL told me he read my fanfic.



clawofcat October 12 2009, 03:19:08 UTC
LOL! Flames of Shame would engulf you in a torrent of embarassment? How dramatic.

I dunno. I tried to play it cool. I'm proud of my work and what I do, it's just really unexpected when someone in RL you don't know makes that connection. I felt a little thrown off guard, probably because I was wondering if they were judging me. Frankly, unless I was writing incest or something really fucked up, I don't think most of the people in my social circle would be too shocked. I'm a raunchy girl in life. It sort of stands to reason that this aspect of my personality would shine through in my writing, too. You just gotta own it, you know?

Now, if it was a boss or someone with authority, than I'd have cause to worry. Don't know what I'd do in a situation like that.


rebcake October 12 2009, 07:04:03 UTC
I'm really honored that you worked so closely with me on that piece, especially since it's so very different in tone from your usual interest area. I'm getting a little misty ( ... )


clawofcat October 12 2009, 17:28:03 UTC
Aw, Reb. *hugs* True, fluff is not exactly my forte, but betaing is betaing. You have to respect the vision of the writer and try and make that vision as good as it can be. Like I said, I would be happy to work with you again. Because more than the content of a fic, betaing for me is about whether you mesh with the writer. I've worked with Eowyn and Pass for a long time, and that constancy and familiarity only makes the partnership more effective because you learn about your writer's areas of strength and weakness, what feedback is most helpful to them, etc. It's all sort of wonderful, but let me not go on... *gets misty eyes, too ( ... )


dragonflylady77 November 14 2009, 11:39:52 UTC
Guy: Hey, L. So, what do you know about Buffy?

Me: *shifty eyes* ...Um, things? Why?

That bit cracks me up. Probably because it's pretty much the way I would respond if someone asked me that and I don't even write fanfic!! I do beta and read. Lots.

Hehehe you have a fanbase who keeps finding you it seems!! LOL at the boys reading fanfic and finding it more stimulating than watching porn!!



clawofcat November 16 2009, 01:50:10 UTC
Hee, glad you found my fannish encounters amusing! About two weeks ago, I was at a restaurant with a friend, her boyfriend and sister and fanfic came up again. Apparently her b/f was a Buffy fan when it was airing and he and the sister were like, "You write fanfic? Could you send me link to your stuff?" Everyone seems so curiously interested and really nice about it. I'm never even the one to bring it up.

LOL at the boys reading fanfic and finding it more stimulating than watching porn!!
Well, us ladies have known that for awhile. I'm betaing a story for only_passenger and had a male friend over last night. He was making dinner and I was reading her fic aloud and making notes with a pen. At one point he turned to me, eyebrows raised, stopped me and said, "Whoa. Say that again? That was way hot."

Yes. Way hot. They're learning.


dragonflylady77 November 16 2009, 02:15:58 UTC


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