Setting myself up for failure?

Aug 27, 2009 22:31

So, I've got Fang judging and this iwry_marathon fic due in October and November, and yet I'm still considering signing up for seasonal_spuffy. It's just totally ill advised. I'm a wreck under pressure, only sort of have a story idea in mind, and have limited amounts of time to dedicate to writing. And yet... I still consider it. I'm an idiot, for sure. Someone stop me before ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

goldenusagi August 28 2009, 02:52:00 UTC
There was some story I read from the POV of Sunnydale's funeral director, and his encounters with Buffy and Spike. But I can't remember the name or author of it. Maybe someone will recognize it...


clawofcat August 28 2009, 22:34:06 UTC
Sounds like a cool concept. Never heard it before. If you have a sudden recall of the fic, drop a link.


goldenusagi August 28 2009, 22:48:16 UTC
There are also these two by powerofthebook.
Spike from the POV of the parents of the baby he saved in NFA

Sunnydale's destruction and glimpses of the characters as told through newspaper articles


clawofcat August 28 2009, 23:16:05 UTC
Thank you! I haven't read either of these.


eowyn_315 August 28 2009, 03:02:58 UTC
deird1 writes a lot of fic from outside perspectives. I'm crap with remembering things, so you might just want to browse through her stuff for more, but the one that sticks out is Shell Game, an Illyria fic from Trish Burkle's POV.

Also, you might find this post interesting - it talks about the pitfalls of having a 3rd party POV of a favorite pairing or character.


clawofcat August 28 2009, 22:38:22 UTC
Awesomesauce. Thanks for the link.

I actually read that post by snickfic, but didn't think it really applied to the whole Asmodeus idea, since the dude's OC. It's his demony existence to vicariously get his kicks off the suffering of others. I just don't really know how to about writing from his POV though, hence the request for stories in this style. I must becomed schooled. I also must resist signing up...


eowyn_315 August 28 2009, 22:47:36 UTC
Asmodeus? I don't think we talked about this one, did we? The only third party POV fic I remember was Bangel from Dawn's POV.

ETA: Oh, just followed your link. Demon of lust, I do remember that one.


clawofcat August 28 2009, 23:21:25 UTC
Yeah, Demon of Lust would be for Spuffy, not Bangel. I still I think want to try and make an AU S6 Bangel thing work. I might shrink the scope though to make it more manageable. Pass suggested I focus by completeing this statement, "I really want to write Buffy and Angel doing _____." The first thing that popped into my head was "I really want to write Buffy telling Angel she was in heaven." I think the fall out of that would be enormous and I never got the impression that she actually did tell Angel. The circumstances surrounding why she might and its consequences seem sort of interesting to me because that knowledge could very well wreck their chance of hope. Not only can they not be together in a sustainable way in life, but they certainly couldn't in death. It's the heaven/hell thing again. And Angel's guilt would be insanely huge.


rebcake August 28 2009, 05:10:40 UTC
I think you might be thinking of something different, but here are a couple of stories that tell a post-Chosen Spuffy story from the perspective of several different characters, but not Buffy or Spike:

Kaleidoscope by penny_lane_42


Long Day's Journey by anaross (This one has a little Buffy, but no Spike)

I know I've read stuff from the perspective of Dawn, Tara, and even Xander about Spike & Buffy's relationship, but I can't pull any titles out of my brain.

Of course, lilachigh is doing it from the perspective of OC character Agnes, in Business As Usual

One more! hello_spikey did that really cool one that was half from the perspective of Dana, the damaged slayer. Slayer Memories

I'm sure you've read most of these.

Good hunting!


clawofcat August 28 2009, 22:44:00 UTC
Oh. The OC story by lilachigh might be perfect for me, since my character would also be an OC demon if I choose to follow my initial line of thinking.

Slayer Memories is an exceptional fic and one I should definately have a look at again. That might be very useful. As for "Kaleidoscope," I have a very hard time getting into her parenthetical style - it throws the pacing off for me - so I'm not sure if I can use it as reference.

Thanks for the recs! Asmodeus and I are grateful.


rebcake August 29 2009, 07:55:35 UTC
I remembered another one, by rahirah called
"The Sure Thing", which is not only told from the perspective of a very put-upon minion, but also channels "Guys & Dolls" which to my mind is a very good thing.

Less fancy linkage:


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