Some thoughts on Equinox, Star Trek and the Robins

May 10, 2009 12:30

Happy Mother's Day everyone. I had a bit of time, so I thought I'd updated you on the birdy situation and other goings on in the life of moi. First off, the "drabbles" have gone well. The final three that I have I'm not getting inspiration for as readily as the first four, so I'm not sure how quick I'll be able to crank them out. Perhaps I'm over ( Read more... )


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clawofcat May 10 2009, 21:19:33 UTC
Let me just say major squee to the cross-fanishness we seem to share. I rarely talk about other fandoms on here aside from Buffy, so to have someone respond that has had their foot in numerous other shows, etc. is win!

I'd read your Dawn/Angel. *nods*
Sweet. If I could just figure out what I'd like to do with them, I'd get on it. I should consult with only_passenger. She wrote my favorite Angel/Dawn fic Departure. You should check out her journal. She's done a number of Buffy/Faith fics.

You've got me wanting to write Buffy fic. I haven't really wanted to do that in a while... Have you been keeping up with the comic season 8?Hey, if I can spread the love, that's wonderful. As people keep saying, Buffy is a "dying" fandom. We need everyone we can get. As for the comic, I read the first trade and wasn't incredibly impressed. The comics don't hold the same appeal to me as the show did, which is a surprise since I take no issue with the comics medium itself. It somehow doesn't feel as authentic to me. I can't get behind it, though I've read some ( ... )


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clawofcat May 11 2009, 03:07:01 UTC
I've absolutely drooled over all the Faith issues, and was pleased with Buffy's foray into lesbianism.
Mm, Faith. There certainly is a draw wherever she's concerned. In which trade does her arc appear?

Good God, do not go see Wolverine. It made me want to kill things.
So I've heard. The plot (if it has one) sounded like some whack mishmash between Weapon X, Origin, and wtfery. Hugh Jackman makes for a pretty Logan, but that's not enough to draw me in. My fannish cohort (who I saw ST and Watchmen with) saw it opening night and warned me against it himself. And his standards are much lower than mine. I'd be more for a Wolvie movie that did the Japan storyarc. Or even introduced some of the members of Alpha Flight. Though, really, I can't blame the filmakers for the omission. With names like Saschwatch, Vindicator and Puck, you've got to wonder, lol.

I didn't enjoy Watchmen. It was an excellent reproduction of the comics, but I felt it lacked good film-making.It was certainly a flawed film, but I couldn't help but come away ( ... )


kseenaa May 11 2009, 13:27:23 UTC
Sign me up for some Dawn/Angel! I have a thing for odd pairings myself! I'd so read a story about them. :-)

To bad about the birds, though... There is nature for you... Giving and taking. Not much to be done about it, really. Still sad, though.


clawofcat May 11 2009, 17:38:25 UTC
Sign me up for some Dawn/Angel! I'd so read a story about them.
Any suggestions for plot or timing? I'm drawing a blank. Post-NFA seems the obvious choice, but I have no idea why they'd meet, what they'd do, etc.

To bad about the birds, though... There is nature for you
Aye. She's a cold bitch, she is. I'm so glad I took the photos while I could. They make me smile :D


kseenaa May 11 2009, 19:00:12 UTC
Thats why I am not a writer. X-D I have no idea! Maybe while Buffy was dead and in heaven? Some hurt/comfort perhaps? :-P


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