Rogue Poet Awards

Sep 28, 2008 22:13

Rogue Poet Awards posted their winners tonight and I'm pleased to announce that I snagged a few awards for Acts of Contrition, a fic that I personally love a great deal. Thanks to the judges and graphic artists for all their hard work. You ladies consistantly run one of the best award sites out there.

Special shout-outs to eowyn_315 , snowpuppies , ash_carpenter , girlpire , slaymesoftly , and athenewolfe  for ( Read more... )


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Comments 20

snowpuppies September 29 2008, 03:07:41 UTC
Major congrats, honey! Very well deserved. ;)

And thanks!


clawofcat September 29 2008, 04:28:30 UTC
*dons smoking jacket*

Care to join me for a brandy in the sitting room, good sir?


snowpuppies September 29 2008, 04:31:02 UTC
*takes out pipe*

Why, yes. Jolly good idea.


clawofcat September 29 2008, 04:34:09 UTC
*sigh* I'm so sorry we didn't get to meet while I was in Texas. I can just imagine getting into so much trouble with you *cuddles*


goldenusagi September 29 2008, 03:55:36 UTC


clawofcat September 29 2008, 04:29:53 UTC
Thank you!


rahirah September 29 2008, 03:57:55 UTC
chase820 has an epic Brian/Spike WIP which is theoretically still in progress, though of late she's run off to write Harry/Draco. The premise is that Brian moved to LA in AtS season 5, and is working for Wolfram & Hart. She's more or less left BtVS fandom, so I don't know when or if she'll get around to finishing it. Still, what she's got is well worth reading.


clawofcat September 29 2008, 04:31:48 UTC
Awesome! Thanks for the rec, Barb. Will check it out when I get the chance. Damn those HP boys for taking our writers away from us! *shakes fist*


petzipellepingo September 29 2008, 09:23:42 UTC
Congratulations, very pretty awards.


clawofcat September 29 2008, 16:19:21 UTC
Thanks. I particularly liked the award plaques for Best Gen and Best Het. Like FFA, the graphics always include the characters or pairing featured in the story.


louise39 September 29 2008, 11:52:43 UTC
Congratulations. Well done!


clawofcat September 29 2008, 16:21:08 UTC
*high five* I gotta write another one like "Contrition." That piece had such a lovely mood to it.


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