Show Me How - 1/1 (Sequal to The Heart of Her)

Apr 08, 2007 17:32

Hello, all. I present to you my newest Spuffy fic "Show Me How." This was absolute hell to write. It started out as a goofy PWP and ended up as an angsty, porn w/tad plot. Please comment and let me know what you think of this follow-up. I had my doubts. Enjoy!

Title: Show Me How
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: Mid-Season 6
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
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fic, show me how, healing verse, spuffy

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Comments 16

missus_grace April 9 2007, 05:26:16 UTC
Well done. So S6 Buffy; you get to close and you get burned. But you led them to a bit of a different ending, one with more hope.


clawofcat April 9 2007, 05:39:55 UTC
Ooh! Pretty icon!

"So S6 Buffy; you get to close and you get burned."

Very true. I had a hard time balancing the smut with the emotions in this fic, IMO. Glad it worked for you on some level. And yes. I like the angest, but I also like hope. If Spike or Buffy had altered their actions even a little the season could have gone in a very different direction.


Fic: Show Me How cordykitten April 9 2007, 21:19:41 UTC
So Buffy does indeed trust him ("Okay," she acquiesced)
And what a lesson Spike did give her... but a slayer can take it ;-)
This was a how is this called? Buffy season six voice?
I'm glad she was ready to let Spike help her to open up.


Re: Fic: Show Me How clawofcat April 9 2007, 21:45:31 UTC
I'd say that Buffy reluctantly trusts him and realizes she needs to confide in someone and change the path she's on or she'll completely lose it. He understands what drives her and I think here and on the show Buffy always knew this. He's the best equip to help her through this time of transition and by the end of the story she acknowledges that's what she needs and is willing to give Spike that control.


elizabuffy April 11 2007, 04:31:10 UTC
Hi! I found your fics via elysian fields, and followed the link to your LJ :)

Anyway...oh. my. wow. This and The Heart of Her are so unbelievably hot. I cannot even tell you (not to mention the fact that you touched on a good portion of my kinks, lol).

I love the ending of hopeful and tentative, and full of promise *sigh*

Thank you so, so much for sharing!



clawofcat April 11 2007, 06:04:03 UTC
Thanks so much for commenting. I do strive for hotness with these fics and hopefully some emotional depth as well. Your kinks? Wow, I didn't know anyone else fancied squirting and fisting too. Thought it was just me and my perv self. Yay, I've got company now! Expect more unusual kink in the coming fics and perhaps a continuation of Show Me. There's a lot more healing those two have to do together.


elizabuffy April 11 2007, 06:12:29 UTC
You totally achieved the hotness! I'm also a huge fan of menstrual play (and have actually written a fic of that sort myself).

It's always nice to tumble across the pervs ;)

I can't wait to read more! I'm so excited to learn there's more for our intrepid couple.

Mind if I friend you?



clawofcat April 11 2007, 06:24:46 UTC
Friend away! I have to give some thought to where these two should go next. Since each of these fics are one shots, I hadn't planned on continuing the story. It just goes to show you that reviewers really do make a difference.

Ooh, menstrual fic! Link me!


dicecanntcry April 13 2007, 19:51:31 UTC



I swear I was planning on leaving you this nice, long review, but you just totally melted by brain with that one.

i will try to return when higher brain functions are back online...

For now, all I can say is: Very good and very hot!


spankspike May 5 2007, 21:26:20 UTC
Once I really took another look at your name, I remembered saving something you'd posted somewhere to read later - and this was it!!

How funny is that - we're talking about fisting and I'd completely forgotten saving this one for that very reason. So here I've sat, reading my least favorite pairing to get a bit of one of my favorite kinks. And my god but it was good! I really enjoyed your writing style.

Though I will freely admit that here -

“There’s gonna be a lot of pressure and lot of stretchin’, but once you take it all in, I promise you it will be worth it.”

“And you would know how?” Buffy asked as she quirked a brow at him.

Spike smiled knowingly. “Trust me, Buffy. I know.”

She eyed him curiously, but did not pick up on the implications of the statement and instead let it slide.

The Spangel girl in me proceeded to write it's own little side story detailing just how Angelus taught sweet William to enjoy fisting! Maybe I'll have to write that lost scene myself when we do fisting as the kink of the month over at feedmykink.


clawofcat May 5 2007, 22:00:22 UTC
Yup, this is indeed the fic I planned to use for the fisting entry. I'm really glad you enjoyed it despite the Spuffy pairing. I had another slash fan friend me after reading my fics and I think those comments are actually my fave when you get someone on board who normally wouldn't go for the pairings or orientation ( ... )


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