
Aug 14, 2007 02:37

Leeny and I are pondering trying to set up a Shadowrun game through the internet using webcams and some nature or auditory transmit program (thats a complicated way to say something like ventrillo). There may be some cost involved, and we need 4-5 people total. Let me know if your in.

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Comments 6

jentherockstar August 15 2007, 00:39:34 UTC
I played shadowrun once... well, tried. I think we had 3 sessions total before it fell apart... heh


cjdragon13 August 15 2007, 04:36:03 UTC
why'd it fall apart? Losing interest?


jentherockstar August 15 2007, 16:58:02 UTC
I'm not sure. Probably because the person running it didn't know what she was doing and was counting on someone else to help her in the beginning while she learned the basics.


stabbieangel August 15 2007, 19:23:06 UTC
This may sound like a dumb question but what's Shadowrun?


jentherockstar August 15 2007, 21:02:29 UTC
It's a table top RPG, like DnD, but it's more futuristic and uses different dice rules. Shadowrun only uses the D6.


stabbieangel August 15 2007, 21:18:38 UTC
Interesting...I'm definitely all for trying it but I don't know if I can do it on the internet.

Plus if I were to try I'm not sure if my time would work well with others. Not to mention that someone would have to help me out with the rules since I don't have a book.

Granted the next time I end up in a book store I may look around for it.


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