Title: Beyond the Sea
Fandom: White Collar
Characters/Pairing: Neal, Peter, Neal/OFC, past Neal/Kate
Rating: Teen
Contains: Amnesia. Medical trauma.
Word count: 27,000
Summary: Pre-series. Neal Caffrey is happily eluding the Feds when a sailing accident robs him of his memories and, consequently, his identity. As he recovers, he takes takes refuge in his new girlfriend, who helps him rediscover his identity as Steve Tabernackle, jet-setting millionaire. But when Steve returns to New York, it doesn't take long for his past to catch up with him.
Notes: Written for
whitecollar_bb. This fic is an AU taking place around the time of Neal's arrest in "Forging Bonds."
Thank you very much to
slytheringurrl for the wonderful artwork! Her art post is
I would also like to thank
wise_old_crone and
treonb for betaing. This fic was a little overwhelming, and getting their feedback was a huge help. Credit also goes to
wise_old_crone for coming up with the title.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 (plus epilogue)
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http://citrinesunset.dreamwidth.org/128191.html. Please comment there using