Sometimes the End of the World is Just the Beginning Part One

Apr 05, 2013 06:00

Author: cindyls1969
Rating: NC 17 over all
Pairing: Jansis
Summary: Jake and Van have been through a lot together but an almost apocalypse may bring them together in a new way.

A/N: Okay, so, this started as a story for the nuke_anon. We had to choose between the Superbowl and the Apocalypse themes. Naturally I chose the Apocalypse. The prompt I chose was "You jump, ( Read more... )

rpf, jansis, jake, nc17, van

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Comments 13

lightsaber27 April 7 2013, 11:30:26 UTC
Intense! The greatest danger will be in encountering others who are desperate. This is a great start! I'm sure their trip is going to take all kinds of twists and turns!! Wonder who is stalking them??


sarahsezlove April 7 2013, 18:03:04 UTC
Great start, Cindy - looking forward to more.


seajellybaby April 7 2013, 18:45:58 UTC
Ooo! This promises to be exciting! Great read Cindy! Looking forward to more...


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