Baaaaaaack! ...Slightly.

Aug 11, 2009 21:08

First, thank you an INSANE amount for caring enough to comment on my last post. :') LJ is one of the best things to happen to me (no, it's not pathetic at all) and you guys are the driving force behind everything. :) I love you all so, so much and every single word, no, every character that you guys typed for me means so much.

But... I've decided to ( Read more... )

! important

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Comments 2

ne0nlazytights August 11 2009, 21:14:33 UTC
i've missed you!

really. i'm going to read your post. i swear.

i'm just excited to see your name on my friends page.


black_vortex August 12 2009, 07:02:05 UTC
Absolutely agreed. I squeed when I saw your name come up, I was that excited. So, its great to see you back, if only in some ways.


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