
Jul 24, 2010 20:16

 Ok guys, so I was not super great at filling the ABC meme...I got a bunch done, but not all, and I feel really bad about that.

So here's what I'm offering. I'm putting this up with ten spots open. BUT if you asked for something at the ABC meme from me and did not get it, you guaranteed can request something here, even if the 10 spots are already ( Read more... )

meme, prompts, writing

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Comments 11

ovariesofsteel July 25 2010, 01:28:42 UTC
I obviously failed at the Alphabet Meme, but I'm still going to fulfill them all...actually I have off for eleven days after tomorrow (again-love my life/schedule) and I have a few of them planned in my head. One of them is yours!

Anyway, I can't participate in this b/c Lord knows when I'll get to ten more prompts. LOLOL


ciaimpala July 25 2010, 01:29:49 UTC
Yay for mine!!!

And I figure I owe it to everyone whose prompts I couldn't fill...I tried, but they were just turning out really bad and forced, so I figured I'd try again here.


itsstillmelori July 25 2010, 22:05:16 UTC

.... what? :p


(The comment has been removed)

ciaimpala July 25 2010, 03:14:08 UTC
Elliot is battered, a tooth missing, knuckles bloodied, a slight limp evident. He blinks rapidly when he is released into the light, Parker's supportive shoulder under one arm, Nate's under the other, Sophie murmuring supportive words and gently brushing the hair back from his bruised forehead ( ... )


primarycolors92 July 25 2010, 02:47:21 UTC
Sun/Jin, happily every after.

Fluff optional!


ciaimpala July 25 2010, 03:20:51 UTC
Sun's father never gave her fairytales to read. He left economic books on her nightstand, left for another business meeting as she tucked herself in.

So when Sun discovered her marriage with Jin dissolving, one rebuttoning at a time, she wasn't surprised. This was how life worked after all, left alone to burrow under the covers.

But one day on the island, Jin brings her a copy of Cinderella. He can't possibly know what the book is about, Sun reasons, his English too weak to discern the happily ever after planted at the end of the story.

And yet they sit there, on their bed, book held between them. And Jin pulls the makeshift sheet over Sun's legs to protect her from the late-night chill.


primarycolors92 August 14 2010, 02:30:56 UTC
Awww, so sweet, but also realistic! I love it- Jin has always represented such a different life than Sun's father.


turquoisetumult July 25 2010, 02:56:52 UTC
Dean and Ben (SPN), make-believe


ciaimpala July 25 2010, 03:26:45 UTC
Lisa is talking to a friend of hers, a fellow mom with two children, and the women are pointing at Dean. He can only assume they are discussing his sudden appearance, how wonderful it is that Ben has a father figure now.

Dean watches Ben for a moment, then closes his eyes.

He imagines a little girl on the swing next to Ben. She has Jessica's blonde curls and Sam's puppy dog eyes, and her and Ben are laughing, teasing each other about who can go higher.

Sam is pushing his daughter, the one he and Jessica named Mary, and Dean is pushing Ben, and Jessica and Lisa are the ones chatting on the bench.

Dean doesn't open his eyes until Ben calls his name.


turquoisetumult August 7 2010, 15:36:51 UTC
Aww, this was just lovely and heartbreaking, sweetie! Poor Winchesters - their every chance of happiness comes with a catch-22. :( Wonderfully written! *goes to post this meme on her journal*


irishunicorn03 July 25 2010, 13:52:28 UTC
Jack/Kate: her fingers trace his scars - post 'The End' if you can.


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