Title: Close your eyes and go to hell
chocca2 Characters: Dean, Bobby
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spicy words, plenty of upchuck and a pinch of angst.
Spoilers: (to be safe) anything up to season 5
Disclaimers: Ha, Me? Own the Winchesters? Only in my dreams *wink*
Summary: Nobody escapes hell. It stays with you forever.
A/N: Written for the Dean-focused hurt
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Comments 25
Anyway, this was GREAT. Thank-you so much for writing my prompt! Your Bobby is perfect, fatherly and loving in his gruff sort of way, but maybe my favourite part was Dean's knee-jerk reaction to run from any kind of revealing conversation, even when he's incapable of it. Deaaaan. Oh, and the quote you used at the beginning was A+ too.
Thanks again! ♥
I had fun writing it! ♥
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*facepalm* Hee, guess I went a lil over board with the puking lol
I'm glad you enjoyed Bobby's role in this. Thank you so much for reading!
Beautifully done.
I'm so glad I pulled it off with Bobby caring for Dean. I wanted to make sure he was still in character and I'm stoked that you enjoyed this ♥
Thanks again for reading.
ooo I'm glad I'm not alone on this lol Unfortunately for Dean, I indulged in this fic.
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed this. Thank you so much for reading!
Hee, knowing this made ME happy, thank you so much. I would love to see more interaction with Bobby and the boys on the show and I hope they'll be more of what we've seen so far.
Thanks again for reading!
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