Fic: Close Your Eyes And Go To Hell

Mar 30, 2010 21:08

Title: Close your eyes and go to hell
Author: chocca2 
Characters: Dean, Bobby
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spicy words, plenty of upchuck and a pinch of angst.
Spoilers: (to be safe) anything up to season 5
Disclaimers: Ha, Me? Own the Winchesters? Only in my dreams *wink*
Summary: Nobody escapes hell. It stays with you forever.
A/N: Written for the Dean-focused hurt ( Read more... )

sick!dean, dean, fic, close your eyes and go to hell, angst, bobby, manpain, fic-list

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Comments 25

hoodietime March 30 2010, 23:20:53 UTC
Aw, it was definitely worth the wait! ;D I would love for Bobby and Dean to have even one of the scenes in this fic onscreen together. One of my fave moments ever on the show was Bobby confronting Dean in the junkyard after he made the deal; it was just so powerful.

Anyway, this was GREAT. Thank-you so much for writing my prompt! Your Bobby is perfect, fatherly and loving in his gruff sort of way, but maybe my favourite part was Dean's knee-jerk reaction to run from any kind of revealing conversation, even when he's incapable of it. Deaaaan. Oh, and the quote you used at the beginning was A+ too.

Thanks again! ♥


chocca2 April 3 2010, 20:05:18 UTC
I'm so relived you enjoyed this and that it was worth the wait. Thank you so much for such an awesome challenge.

I had fun writing it! ♥


(The comment has been removed)

chocca2 April 3 2010, 20:12:46 UTC
(well, you know, "nice" is probably the wrong word, what with all the vomit...)

*facepalm* Hee, guess I went a lil over board with the puking lol

I'm glad you enjoyed Bobby's role in this. Thank you so much for reading!


saberivojo March 31 2010, 01:03:51 UTC
I love Bobby's little touches. A cool rag to the neck. A warm presence for Dean to confess to. The fact that he gives Sam sleeping pills. The fact that he sits quietly in the bathroom while Dean hurls.

Beautifully done.


chocca2 April 3 2010, 20:16:49 UTC
Thank you so much, sweetie.

I'm so glad I pulled it off with Bobby caring for Dean. I wanted to make sure he was still in character and I'm stoked that you enjoyed this ♥

Thanks again for reading.


embroiderama March 31 2010, 03:03:50 UTC
This is wonderful! I do love some hurling!Dean in fic, and with that and Bobby and the nightmares and the exhausted Sam there's a LOT to love. :)


chocca2 April 3 2010, 20:20:33 UTC
I do love some hurling!Dean in fic

ooo I'm glad I'm not alone on this lol Unfortunately for Dean, I indulged in this fic.

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed this. Thank you so much for reading!


dawnintheforest March 31 2010, 05:01:36 UTC
Wow. I'm a true blue Bobby fangirl, and this just made me so happy. Like others before me here, I really wish that the writers would include at just one scene like the ones you've given us here. Bobby is integral to the show, yet I worry that he's left on the back-burner too often. He's been given more and more the role of father-figure, yet they haven't showcased that in a long while I don't think. (Although last week's episode was a big step in the right direction IMO.) We need more scenes like the one in the junkyard when Dean admits to Bobby that he made a deal with a crossroads demon to save Sam.


chocca2 April 3 2010, 20:26:48 UTC
...and this just made me so happy.

Hee, knowing this made ME happy, thank you so much. I would love to see more interaction with Bobby and the boys on the show and I hope they'll be more of what we've seen so far.

Thanks again for reading!


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