I don't add random strangers anymore. This journal has become quite a chunk of my life and if we don't know each other from elsewhere, may it be RL or the 'net, chances are quite low I'll add you back. Sorry!
Das Alter ist mir eigentlich relativ egal beim Adden, das ist auf meiner Friendslist ziemlich querbeet. Soviel gibt dein Journal jetzt noch nicht preis, aber auf einen Versuch lass ich es immer gern ankommen. ^^
Ich würde dich gerne 'adden', wie es so schön heißt, da ich schon etliche deiner Kommentare bei falling_home gelesen habe und deine Userinfo auch sehr interessant klingt :)
No, it's a hommage to Henson, at least the design of Chili - she looks a bit like Red Fraggle. But she's a sheep and the show is like Henson on crack. Unfortunately very hard to explain for non-German speakers but I made two writeups of their five-minute-episodes here if you are really curious:
A shorter example: My icon is from their Star Trek / Star Wars spoof and says: "We wrote you a text, we sent you a fax and a brainmonk from TauMongo thought it for you on a piece of tinfoil."
Dammit I knew I was trying to learn German for a reason! I thought it was just because I like to yell the three or four German words I know at people, but now it turns out that it's because there's a wacky show about a sheep playing and it's only available in German!
A wacky sheep that hosts fake infotainment show with a bush as technical advisor and a bread as test candidate.
(Icon says: "We need carbonium crytals for the engine and plasmainduced kernel-spirals for the generator!" - "Coffee cream is going empty, too." - "..." - "Just sayin'!")
Comments 37
A shorter example: My icon is from their Star Trek / Star Wars spoof and says: "We wrote you a text, we sent you a fax and a brainmonk from TauMongo thought it for you on a piece of tinfoil."
(Icon says: "We need carbonium crytals for the engine and plasmainduced kernel-spirals for the generator!" - "Coffee cream is going empty, too." - "..." - "Just sayin'!")
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