Jun 29, 2012 15:44

Originally posted by shadowwolf1321 at IUD

Well here I go, on Thursday I'm going to get Mirena put in. Its a step up from the BCP. I was hoping to get sterilized, but at my age nobody is willing to do it. Still almost there, I give it about 4 years before they will let me be sterilized. Maybe sooner if my PPH doctor can get certified to do it. Little nervous ( Read more... )

iud, birth control alternatives

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shadowwolf1321 July 1 2012, 03:44:03 UTC
Thank you!


ljquin June 29 2012, 23:14:38 UTC
I was a teenager when I had my first I.U.D. put in and was, obviously, nulliparous. It sounded like a hellish procedure but it was over very quickly. As it was an emergency insertion I had zero preparation and no painkillers but still found it entirely bearable.
My tips from having had five insertions over the years: request a local anaesthetic...it makes a big difference. Take someone to hold your hand (at my first insertion the nurse held my hand and distracted me by chatting...at my last my husband did the honours and somehow anticipate the exact second of the insertion and give me a kiss on the forehead then, which was enough to distract me from the very brief moment of pain.

It's not the nicest experience in the world but I've had a lot worse.

If possible, plan for a duvet day the next day in case you are uncomfortable: my personal routine was to stock up on painkillers, heat pads, chocolate and tea but I was lucky enough to never have much of a recovery period.


aacchh July 1 2012, 14:38:42 UTC
This echoes my friend's experience. She says that it hurt like nothing else for 20 seconds but then it was over, was "Totally worth it!" I'm still screwing up my courage, since I am a huge chicken when it comes to medical things. And pain.


silverwing84 June 29 2012, 23:15:56 UTC
Good luck!! :D

Hopefully we will also usher in a new era when the war on women is over, an era of women being treated like the adults we are...and getting sterilized will not be as difficult as keeping a cup of coffee still on Space Mountain.


shadowwolf1321 July 1 2012, 03:48:45 UTC

I hope so as well, You shouldn't have to go through so many hoops for a decision that only affects your own body. Maybe even getting some benefits for being childfree? I mean all these parents are getting money from the government for reproducing, why can't we get money for not taking advantage of the system and not contributing to overpopulation?


silverwing84 July 1 2012, 04:05:48 UTC
I know, right?

But as a tax professional I just find it ironic when these neo-cons whine about how poor people having kids wastes their tax dollars, but when they spit out 3-4 kids they usually get the same deductions for dependency exemptions or *GASP*, massive credits in the form of additional child tax credit and/or EITC. Living in a poor area, I have mixed feelings about EITC because there are people who genuinely need that money, but then there's others who just squander it on cigarettes and Air Jordans rather than decent food and clothes for their kids. I've seen plenty of it in both directions.

But of course, the BIGGEST piece of irony of all is that despite this, these are the same morons who don't fucking want poor people having easy access to birth control or voluntary sterilization!


satanassa June 30 2012, 15:26:14 UTC
Thanks for posting about this. I am very interested in knowing how the procedure went for you and what symptoms or feelings you had afterwards, would you mind posting about that when you feel able to, if it's not too much trouble? I am looking into getting Mirena for myself, so I'm trying to gather more information about it. Thanks again, and best of luck with the procedure!


shadowwolf1321 June 30 2012, 16:11:42 UTC
Sure I'll let you know how it goes. and Thanks!


shadowwolf1321 July 5 2012, 23:14:21 UTC
I posted my experience on my journal, If you click this link you should be able to read it. http://shadowwolf1321.livejournal.com/2479.html


ellebabe July 1 2012, 23:11:47 UTC
I have a mirena and LOVE it.
But steer clear of the horror stories, they are just self torture. You will be fine.

But do have a hot waterbottle/wheat bag and plenty of decent painkillers to hand for when you get it installed. Take a few before and you'll want them after also.


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