Right lets try this again

Oct 11, 2006 23:30

So it has been an incredible summer and the fall has started off nicely. In the three months I have worked at the commodore I have lost over a stone of weight. For my American readers a stone is 14 lbs. In fact I have lost closer to a stone and a half. How did I manage this, hard work, ie way to many hours and not enough sleep, food, or time ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Congrats? mostlymaylone October 12 2006, 00:54:27 UTC
It almost always better to lose a stone than to pass one.
I do beleive I've gathered you're stone, and a few others. Luckily it had no moss.


pers1stence October 12 2006, 03:15:37 UTC
Yay for recipes! Yay for you posting! Yay for losing weight without being stuck on fad diets!


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