
Nov 22, 2006 22:32

Fake-gift boxes from the Onion...

The sad thing is I know way too many people who would actually be disappointed to find it was not a make your own umbrella kit.

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Comments 7

origamistar November 23 2006, 07:13:10 UTC
i for one can think of a thousand reasons why a toaster on the go would be useful! and hells yes i would totally dig a make your own umbrella kit!!````


chase_maxim November 23 2006, 07:16:21 UTC
Is there any doubt that you were the first person I thought of? =D

If you got any of them fake boxes, I'd stick you with the Salt of the Month!


origamistar November 23 2006, 08:05:03 UTC
cause you know i saw that and was all, yeah, i could be totally down with my own homemade awesome umbrella.. but you know, salt of the month wouldn't be so bad, i could kill me a whole mess a slugs with that hot shit!


punchypri December 3 2006, 22:27:05 UTC
I see you haven't posted a public blog in forever either! Thanks for the YouTube gift...I hope you are doing good. xo


chase_maxim December 4 2006, 08:03:28 UTC
Well I've only done one private unnecessary rant and one friends post since then, so it's not like you've missed much. ;) Mostly I'm just busy wrapping up school. I'll be back in Seattle in a week or two.

How's things with you?


punchypri December 4 2006, 08:13:27 UTC
Way too much and too personal to post here. But I'm on this side of it well. Congrats on school and have a safe trip back home. --don't forget to have some hot chicks sign your boxers before you leave... ;)


chase_maxim December 16 2006, 00:36:38 UTC
Good plan.

We should catch up over coffee (or booze -- though perhaps not as much as last time).

In the meantime, check this out. Hilarious.


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