Title: Love in the Night
Andy & Simon drabblesFollows from
And the Winner Is…Author: charisstoma
Word count: 334
“Simon, I’m not real comfortable doing this.”
“Shhh, we won’t get caught. Lots of people have sex in graveyards. It’s almost a tradition.”
“This isn’t at home where people do this kind of thing. This is the UK, Simon.”
“Now, who’s the ‘fraidy snake?”
Andy’s,“I’ll show you who’s a ‘fraidy snake,” was met with a cut off chuckle.
I thought they’d never leave.
Considerate it foreplay Luv. Now get your spectral body over here, I’m up and want some.
You mean, as the Yanks would say, you want to get lai….
Bugger that Luv, or, was laughed, should I say I plan to bugger you.
Oooooh so romantic. Why is it you’re up for it only after a couple live ones have sex on your grave?
It puts the spirit back in me, was shrugged, now come on Luv let me put some of this spirit in you.
If only they’d have brought some spirits with them. It puts the sense of romance into the proceedings; goblets, wine, and candle light.
Hush Luv, come here.
“Why are we back here. I thought we were going on to the next town before it got dark? It’s too light out to have a replay of last night.”
“We are but I’ve got to drop something off and it’s okay to kiss in the daylight.”
“This anything to do with that feeling you got?”
Opening the bag he held, Simon took out a bottle of wine and pushed the candle into the sod next to the headstone. He set a lighter and bottle opener next to it.
“Oh Simon, you big romantic softy,” Andy wrapped his arms around him, “I do love you.”
“And I you. Think you want to go across the border and see if they still do marriages over the anvil?”
“That a marriage proposal?”
Smiling, Andy answered with a kiss and a soft, “yes please.” The squeal was enough to wake the dead, as Simon picked him up and spun them around.
Continues with
Gretna Green