
Jan 02, 2006 17:43

I feel like I am talking into the wind and no one is listening... If this is not the case add a comment... Thank you

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Comments 4

hi thepurge January 4 2006, 06:53:18 UTC
-adding comment- life has been kinda crazy, i don't know what to say. avery (the boyfriend) got a car, i'm glad to say rob is talking to me again, i'm soon to have a washer and dryer, i haven't bought yarn in nearly a month, christmas is thankfully over, i'm not able to go to school this term so i'm trying to knit more and make myself useful so that i don't feel like i'm drowning in a stagnat ditch. yup, that's about all with me. how bout you? that animation on christmas eve is intense.


Wow! chaos_kid January 5 2006, 05:40:22 UTC
Wow! I haven't heard from you in a long time. This is a pleasant surprise. Things have been I up, down, and in a constant state of change. It is good to hear from you, if you are not to busy we should get together and do coffee sometime. What do you say?


hello thepurge February 1 2006, 03:31:33 UTC
just wanted to drop a line, i'm thinking of you. my work schedule has been crazy and constantly changing.


luciangrey January 8 2006, 23:13:10 UTC
It's never the case.


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