dream ✇ 07

Jul 08, 2010 15:17

Warning: Fairly graphic. Blood, murder, ovaries, etc. (It's absolutely fabulous... I promise. I mean, it is Grell.) Also, this dream includes the killing of Somarium residents. ♥
Effect: Excitement~! Really, though, it'll probably terrify everybody.

Filter: NONE. Everybody will see this. And they will probably be 100% horrified.

A replacement for Madam Red )

blood is pretty, replacement for angelina, naomi, get out javert, such an amazing death god, sorry road, oops sorry diva, i'm a death god

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Comments 587

perfektioniert July 8 2010, 20:53:49 UTC
[Franziska rarely has time to spend observing and commenting on the foolish dreams of Somarium's citizens, but something as unique as this has no possible way of going unnoticed. There's just too many red flags going up against Grell.

The small woman may not like Inspector Javert by any stretch of the imagination, but she doesn't want him to be murdered. And the appearance of that particular woman certainly sparks her interest.]

Grell Sutcliff.


chainsawofdeath July 8 2010, 20:56:40 UTC
[He raises an eyebrow at this woman... Franziska von Karma? Grell hasn't had the pleasure of meeting you, yet.]

Yes, darling~?


perfektioniert July 8 2010, 22:26:54 UTC
Try to keep from scaring the population.


chainsawofdeath July 8 2010, 22:34:17 UTC
Mmm, but I can't control my dreams~ ♥


redabyssinian July 8 2010, 20:54:12 UTC
[Ran frowns as he looks at this. This is someone to be wary of. He's making note of that.]


chainsawofdeath July 8 2010, 22:36:46 UTC
Is there a problem, love~?? Why that frown!?


redabyssinian July 8 2010, 22:37:32 UTC
Unnecessary violence is distasteful.


chainsawofdeath July 8 2010, 23:50:34 UTC
Who said that this was unnecessary!?


white_polaris July 8 2010, 21:01:24 UTC
[She just watches in calm silence. She has seen many horrible things and Grell while violent and gory, is not all that impressive.]


chainsawofdeath July 9 2010, 02:48:04 UTC
Honey, you really need to liven up your wardrobe, you know. White is such a terrible color. Look at the makeover I gave Road... Something like that would do you some good~ ♥


white_polaris July 9 2010, 02:56:21 UTC
I saw what you did to the girl, but I must decline your offer to update my wardrobe Grell.


chainsawofdeath July 9 2010, 03:32:26 UTC
What a shame~ [He laughs] You just watched my dream earlier in silence, was your breath taken away by the stunning scene that played before you~~?


MY SUNGLASSES FACE IS MY POKER FACE. B| chose_death July 8 2010, 21:04:47 UTC
[Javert has seen a lot in his fifty-two (or is it fifty-three now? has he aged since entering Somarium?) years, from theft to the most gruesome of murders. Couple that with the fact that he's seen similar dreams from a one Grell Sutcliffe in what feels like the distant past, and the result is a wholly unsurprised Inspector.

But to say he is unsurprised is one thing. To say he is completely unrattled... Well. To the casual eye Javert is as calm, collected, and cold as he always is. But to one who is much more familiar to Javert, they may notice something a little off about him. Something not quite right in a nebulous sense. A strange glint in the eye, for example, or an off-putting curl to his thin lips.

This dream is pinging his intuitive sense for criminals and impending crime a bit too much. Yet he speaks with his usual abrupt, carefully measured, authoritative air.]

What a messy business.


I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas, please~ chainsawofdeath July 8 2010, 22:45:38 UTC
[Ah, the Inspector! Grell knew without a doubt that this man would have something to say.

The corners of his lips curve upward, pleased to talk with the Inspector for once.]

Messy?? Inspector, don't you know that's what makes it such an impressive work of art!! A masterpiece, really~


chose_death July 8 2010, 23:08:05 UTC
Ah! Crude creativity, yes. [He's muttering more to himself than to Grell.] A violent, crude creativity. But it is no better than a five year old with a bucket of red paint.

[Javert stares very intently all the while. In an uncaring tone,]

Apparently I've offended you.


chainsawofdeath July 8 2010, 23:26:01 UTC
[The grin remains on Grell's face as he listens to what Javert has to say, despite being compared to a child with a bucket of paint.]

You should know well enough by now that I don't like authority, Inspector.


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chainsawofdeath July 8 2010, 22:49:17 UTC
[Oh hey, it's that kid that calls him Death Cod.]

Well, I haven't done anything on that scale in quite some time~ It's been over a year since I've had a captivating woman at my side, you see...


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chainsawofdeath July 9 2010, 08:56:57 UTC
W-Well no, not exactly... I just do my job...


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