Title: The Key to Persistency
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Zacharias Smith, Cho Chang, and Susan Bones
Prompt: And/diagnosis
Word Count: 1052
Rating: PG
Summary: The start of a new school year provides another chance.
Author’s Notes: Part Four of Swan and Snark.
Matters with Eleanor Branstone fell short after she formed quarrel over his never
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Comments 6
I like how he mopes about her, in his own way, without directly stating that he likes her. That's a true talent you have. You know how to show, rather than tell, like a true story teller. I know that I'm guilty of it, and that makes for only a half-decent fic.
The part I found to be very clever on Zacharias's part was the tidbit about Quidditch. It was funny how much of a skeptic he was.
Also, did I miss something with Eleanor Branstone? What was her significance at the beginning? I must reread your other fics to discover it!
By the way, I squee-ed like the typical fangirl when I saw that you posted again. I really do enjoy your fics!
Don't sell yourself short about telling/showing. I still think I have a problem with it, and it's just a never-ending battle for a lot of fanfic writers.
The bit with Eleanor was just finishing what was brought about at the end of the last Swan and Snark fic, where she was basically treated as a rebound after the first rejection. Doesn't speak well on Smith's part, but it was finishing Branstone's unfounded infatuation that's been mentioned just a couple of times.
Thank you for the compliments. I'm glad you liked it. :)
I also liked your hesitant!Cho... she never really is quite strong, but she's not a total weakling.
There's Zach's cleverness, and his near-perfect ability to stomp and spit on himself. He's such a prat. But I absolutely love what you do with him.
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