I like this a lot, particularly the way it starts--you had me furrowing my brow, trying to think of the event it related to, before realising he was dreaming. Really well done.
Thank you. When I was writing it, a dream was one of the first ideas that came to me. Dreams can be very frightening things. I wanted the start to be shocking and confusing before its revealed to be a dream. I'm happy that worked.
I bet they did too, though not too many I hope. They were having a bad enough time of it while they were awake without being troubled by nightmares as well. At least in this John's got Paul to comfort him.
Really well done and realistic! With all the pressure they were under that last tour, I'm sure something like this might have happened. Makes me also wonder about the night the KKK tried to get into Paul's hotel room while he was there.
OMG! You always seem to know these interesting stories! This is another one I've not heard about. What happened with Paul and the KKK? How on earth would they have gotten that close to him?
It was on that last US tour. I don't think it was Memphis, somehow I recall it being like Cincinnati or something, not a place I would naturally associate with the KKK. Somehow they got onto their floor. He was in his room, don't know where the others were. Apparently, they tried to get in the door and were making threatening remarks but he moved furniture in the way of the door to barricade himself in. I don't know if they then left on their own or were discovered and chased out. But he was so shook up, he got himself sick and was throwing up when the others were banging on the door to see if he were alright.
Comments 27
I'll bet they all had nightmares during the '66 tours...
i don't think I've read one concerning the firecracker incident....
until now!
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