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Comments 33

lanafromoz November 21 2008, 13:27:49 UTC
*covers eyes and types quickly as to avoid 30 Rock spoilers as mine is still downloading*

BUT. I had to brave the cut to flail about how AWESOME those badges are. xD


cecism November 22 2008, 03:28:50 UTC

And ooh, thank you! I'll definitely see if I can make it. (P.S. I don't have Facebook, that's why.)


xshorty24x November 21 2008, 13:31:52 UTC
HAMISH AND ANDY REGIFTED. I know it was basically all stuff we'd seen before, but some of it was stuff from early 2007 that I had forgotten all about!

You know when you haven't even seen a show but you know you kind of love it anyway?

YES! That is exactly how I feel about PD. And I know how much joy it brought to a lot of people on my flist... it just seemed to make people so HAPPY!


cecism November 22 2008, 03:30:20 UTC
IKR! They bring the lolz. (I was tempted to stalk the streets/follow the sounds of cheers, 'cause it would have been loud.)

Exactly. And apparently it's going to end on a cliffhangar? That's too cruel.


krys33 November 21 2008, 14:45:54 UTC
1) SERIOUSLY. This is, like, exactly what I said.

2) Sam is so cute when he's nervous and off his game. (Also, the "You're a doctor!" line made me laugh, maybe harder than it should have.)


4) Cooper and Violet make me a little sad nowadays. Because they're not back to being the BFFs that they were, and now they keep hiding things from each other and then pretending everything is okay but that's not them! D:

he still has that demeanour around her yet apparently he doesn't love her any more.I think that he still loves her. I think that he does, but he's back to that place where he's put it on the back burner and convinced himself that he doesn't. He got sidetracked by Charlotte, and maybe he really does love Charlotte, and as adorable as I think he and Charlotte are, I honestly believe all he's doing is fooling himself. :P ( ... )


cecism November 22 2008, 03:35:09 UTC
1. LOL, I think I might have subconsciously replicated what you'd written, in hindsight.

4. You're right, they're not back to being the way they were, although it's vast improvements from a few eps ago.

And I agree completely; he can't not love her. And I would love it to be that he's just sidetracked by Charlotte, but my main problem is the writers here - as if someone would just forget like that, right? And I refuse to believe they'd develop Cooper to be temporarily-enamoured by Charlotte like it would be in my perfect world! I'm so cynical.


Clever, or super-lame? ;D


canadianbeauty2 November 21 2008, 15:03:24 UTC
tired strippers! :D oh Kate how i love you.

can't wait for Private Anatomy!! :D

DADDY DELL!!!!!! *jaw drops* that just blew my mind, but how cute are they together


cecism November 22 2008, 03:35:35 UTC
Kate is awesome!

It was so adorable, my insides nearly burst.


katie087 November 21 2008, 15:14:31 UTC
Kate looked *so* hot on Ellen! Loved the outfit and the hair. Okay, I just love her. You should check out Ellen Pompeo on Jimmy Kimmel. It's hilarious. He finds out about an imaginary boyfriend she had as a kid, from her sister, and brings it up during the inteview and she freaks out. It's awesome. Kate Walsh was also on it the night before.

I've seen the first ep of Pushing Daisies and it's sooo cute. Now I have another reason to hate channel 9 grr.


cecism November 22 2008, 03:36:32 UTC
I will, thank you! Ellen normally annoys me (as does Jimmy Kimmel, actually) but I'll watch anything for a laugh! :D

I sort of forget that Channel 9 exists half the time!


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