I'm about commit murder

Feb 15, 2007 22:07

My mom went to Hattiesburg today with her boss at work. So, I'm watching Zoe. Let me tell you that I am not cut out to own a dog. This thing with the going out and barking.....it's driving me crazy! First of all, I don't know how normal dogs act, but Zoe will go outside on her lead and wrap herself around trees so much so that you have to go ( Read more... )

mom, doggies

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Comments 2

erinathefae February 16 2007, 14:00:03 UTC
aww Heather can't handle a puppy dog...Now you know if you had a kitty on a string tied to a tree they'd get just as hung up as the puppy, however it would probably be a lot more tangled!!!


catgoddess February 16 2007, 18:37:29 UTC
Fortunately, I don't have to put a kitty on a string :P They can take care of their business themselves. You're lucky! You have a well behaved puppy dog that isn't irritating at all.


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