Art post: genteensybang - Burn Your Kingdom Down

May 03, 2013 04:30

Title: Burn Your Kingdom Down
Artist: cassiopeia7
Pairing: Ruby/Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13 (art only.)
Summary: When Dean's deal comes due, Ruby makes a choice. She turns her back on Lilith, training Sam to use his powers with a single goal in mind: save Dean. Though they succeed, Ruby's blood changes Sam, as much as hell changes Dean.
Warnings: Blood, knife-play (art only.)
Media: Pen, marker, and digital magic.

Artist notes: A funny thing happened while arting for the genteensybang -- I discovered that I quite like Ruby, and so, had an absolute ball making her into the beautiful, badass star of this piece.  (I figure I owed her at least that much, after turning her into a roast goose dinner last year.)  ;)

Thanks and hugs and smishes to my fantabulous author jacyevans for, first of all, writing a fic in which Sam pulls Dean out of Hell, a plot that should have been canon.  Thanks also for being such an awesome collaborative partner, for writing such artistically inspirational scenes, for being so enthusiastic about the pieces, and finally, for being so encouraging to your neurotic artist who drew, scrapped, redrew, scrapped again, then redrew AGAIN a certain scene, almost right up to posting time.  Many more thanks go to my awesome beta maichan for helping whip this thing into shape. (Also for gently reminding this apparently blind artist that Ruby and Sam are not the same height.  Not even CLOSE.  Duh.)  Finally, thanks to the genteensybang mods for giving us such a wonderful sandbox in which to play.  I'm looking forward to next year!

Art contains story spoilers. Please read the fic first!

On with the show . . .

“That was my favorite jacket, bitch.”

"I'm not scared of you, Dean."

"Maybe you should be."

The lock spins, tumblers clicking into place,
and she opens her eyes to gaze up at Sam.

“You ready?”

. . . and the dividers:

genteensybang, fanart

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