Fandom stuff

Feb 21, 2021 16:34

Ever since the SPN finale, I've been very upset at Destiel shippers and their hate for Jared. But this isn't just about them. It's also about me. Because for three years, I was a very dedicated Destiel shipper. The same people I thought of as "friends", the ones that I reblogged gifs, fanart and meta from on tumblr... pretty much all of them are ( Read more... )

fandom stuff

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Comments 28

supernutjapan February 22 2021, 01:09:57 UTC
That's like saying you wish you were not a Christian because so many Christians are corrupt. It is not the love of Dean/Castiel that is the problem. It is the people who want to slam others. Don't feel ashamed of what you used to enjoy shipping. That is not wrong. I'm sorry though that you have been hurt by blatant slandering. It sounds like just a bunch of bullies and their yes men. *HUGS*


casey28 February 22 2021, 01:56:21 UTC
Yes, Destiel by itself isn't a problem. But, I didn't ship it in isolation. It was a fandom experience. I can't consume anything in that fandom without tracing it back to Jared haters. The hate also extends to the brother side of fandom, and Sam. I can't help but associate the ship with the haters who ship it.

My shame is that I stood with them and didn't walk away when I should have. I waited until the hate rose above the surface and became obvious. So now, I deeply regret that I ever was a shipper and part of that side of the fandom.

Thanks for your support and your hugs. *hugs you back*


tyrsibs February 22 2021, 03:19:38 UTC
I get what you're saying, but I agree with supernutjapan--you can't let others dictate your response to things. And you can't let their negativity define your or your part in fandom, or make you feel ashamed. It's not your fault. :-)


casey28 February 22 2021, 22:37:39 UTC
As I said above, the problem isn't the ship itself, but with the bad behavior of the shippers. And my response is to reject both them and the ship. There's no way to enjoy the pairing in fandom anymore... it's been ruined. And I have no desire to ship them anymore. I agree that I need to get over feeling ashamed. That's part of the reason why I did this post... I want to deal with my feelings and move past the shame.

Thanks for your support. :)


emmatheslayer February 22 2021, 06:02:33 UTC
I feel the same on a level . i was never a destiel shipper but i was a sastiel shipper and i liked cas fine . but now i feel like cas stans and destiel shippers have gone and messed up this fandom. So much . i feel sad looking on twitter and see the venom. That is spread . i am a wincest shipper but i feel like i will get attacked by destiels just for saying it i am live and let ship gal but i feel toxic fans have kinda messed up the supernatural fandom for me like i have lost my steam . we should still love shipping and not let it get to us but its so hard when its so loud everywhere you look i love jared and want him to do well, but i am seeing huge hate trains were they will not like anything other then destiel and it kinda hurts to see the state of fandom . i am here for you for sure . and i understand you. . i hope you feel better about shipping soon too .much love.


casey28 February 22 2021, 23:27:50 UTC
Yes, they've messed up the fandom in many ways. It's hard looking at the hate that they spread. I'm sorry you've had to deal with it, too. Ship and let ship is ideal, yeah, but for some it's a war instead of being the fun, relaxed thing it should be.
Thanks for being here for me. I appreciate your support. *hugs*


kazluvsbooks February 22 2021, 10:01:55 UTC

It's such a shame that a few loud shippers have a soured the ending of spn for the rest of us.
I always liked Cas as a character but in the last few seasons it was ruined for me, as I just knew shippers would take everything that was said and run with it.
I had to unfollow two Cas/Dean centric blogs that I was mutuals and friends with for ages, and blocked heaps more after the finale hate.
The Jared dislike (jealousy?) is so strange. Like why can't they just ignore him 😔
I am sorry you are going through this but better late than never, and you are not the only disillusioned Cas fan I have seen.
I have seen a bunch of Dean/Jensen tumblr blogs drop all pretence of liking Sam and Jared as well 😭
It will all fade away regardless. The destiel fans will move over to the boys soon enough, or follow Misha if he gets a role (I wish he would, that would keep th busy)
It's like the finale split the fandom, but I guess that was going to happen regardless.
The J's are going to do fine anyway. So proud of them both.
::hugs you::


casey28 February 22 2021, 23:57:53 UTC
Yes, it's a shame.
The shipper's distorted view of Cas and Cas/Dean ruined it for so many of us.
I unfollowed hundreds of blogs, and have lost more than 300 followers.
Since the Destiel shippers blame Jared (and Walker) for Destiel not happening in the finale, they'll hate him forever. :(
Thanks, and you're right, better late than never.
The extreme Dean stans always hated Sam and Jared, but it's more widespread since the finale. :(
They probably will focus on other stuff over time, but they won't change how they feel about Jared.
I'm proud of the J's, too.
Thanks for your support.
*hugs you back*


tiara February 22 2021, 11:15:10 UTC
I don't put you in that category at all. I don't think anyone does. You are allowed to ship and love who you want, just like they are, but they are going about it the wrong way. Let them have their opinions and be haters, don't stress over it, okay? ♥ *hugs*


casey28 February 23 2021, 00:26:29 UTC
Thanks. I am a bit hard on myself, because I was part of that side of fandom for so long. Yes, they're going about it the wrong way. Since fandom is a shared experience, and not something done in isolation, I am affected by their hateful behavior, and it has changed how I feel about the ship. So even though the ship itself is not to blame, any joy or sense of connection I had with it is gone. It's ok, I really don't want ship it anymore. I've backed away from that part of fandom, but I'm not ignoring their opinions or that their haters. They're trying to ruin Jared reputation, hurt his new show, and destroy SPN's legacy. They blame Jared for Destiel not becoming canon in the finale, which means their hate for him is off the charts. But, it would be good for me to not stress out as much about it, even though it hurts so much.

Thanks for your support, I appreciate it so much. ♥ *hugs*


tiara February 23 2021, 06:18:25 UTC
I've always been a Crowley girl, so I never really followed all the others. I didn't like Sam earlier on, but he grew on me. I'm sure they will get bored and find something else to complain about, maybe when the new season of The Boys come out, they will calm down and want to talk about that or something. I'm sure or hopefully sure this won't go on for that long.

You're welcome, you can't control people, don't let it ruin your day(s). ♥


casey28 February 27 2021, 21:15:05 UTC
Hopefully they'lll find something else to distract them. But they'll continue to hate Jared, even if they eventually target him less.

Thanks again.♥ It's true that I can't control people. What I can do is back away and never have anything to do with them again. And while I continue to be aware of them and their bad behavior, I will also focus on the good stuff in fandom.


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