Play it again, Nev. Valentine's Day flowers!

Feb 14, 2012 03:09

Even wizards know that Valentine's Day is a holiday for flowers. If he'd managed to begin his plant business back home, this would be a busy time, but income really wasn't an issue at the Mansion. Even so, Neville loves his gardening, and he'd begun growing roses and other flowers with this date in mind. By now, he is well aware the Mansion is ( Read more... )

warren peace, neville longbottom, zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, kazutaka muraki, galadriel, zz:(dropped)yukio washimine, !open post, !mingler, zz:(dropped)the warden, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki

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Comments 118

silvereyedphage February 14 2012, 17:36:52 UTC
It's likely no surprise that the pale gent is at the door, tapping on the frame with his knuckles. But this year, things look different. He's dressed in black instead of white, and his air of elegant cockiness has given way to quiet melancholy.

"I saw your notice, and I was wondering if you have any white roses?" he says.


killedthesnake February 15 2012, 01:25:15 UTC
Neville looks up at the knock, and he does indeed remember him from last year. The melancholy doesn't surprise him, given recent events, but he nevertheless smiles in greeting. "Hello. I thought I might see you again this year," he remarks. "I do have white roses, but like last year, I can color them any way you wish." In fact, most are white and red.


silvereyedphage February 15 2012, 02:23:26 UTC
He returns the smile, but the smile doesn't quite reach his good eye. "Things aren't as they were last year, but I could use some of each," he says. "Shall I start with a half dozen of the white, and could you tie them with a white ribbon?"


killedthesnake February 15 2012, 06:52:56 UTC
Neville nods solemnly, already reaching for a dozen white roses. After last year, he's much better with the bouquets, and despite his concentration on the task, he feels a bit guilty for the lack of conversation. "I -- ," and Neville fails. "I'm sorry," he finally manages.


whutobjection February 14 2012, 18:10:42 UTC
In comes a rushing Phoenix who needs, in the typists inelegant words: 'a fuck-ton of flowers' to be more specific, roses.

“Hey Neville, long time no see... I need roses, LOTS of roses. Enough to decorate two rooms with.” He's totally serious.


killedthesnake February 15 2012, 01:35:35 UTC
"Fortunately, I grew more than enough," Neville laughs. "Do you have a color in mind?" He pauses. "Wait, how full do you want the rooms?" What if he doesn't have enough for anyone else?


whutobjection February 15 2012, 01:46:56 UTC
Phoenix sweatdrops. "Enough to make to room look pretty enough, I don't want to deprive other people of roses... I need white, red, and a little of that blue color you made last year."


killedthesnake February 15 2012, 06:54:01 UTC
He notices Phoenix looks worried, and he gives him an encouraging smile. "Don't worry; we'll make this work."


aboveallpride February 15 2012, 00:38:24 UTC
Yukio wander into the greenhouse to ask the owner a simple question...

"Is it acceptable to give flowers to a boy on Valentine's Day?"


killedthesnake February 15 2012, 01:38:26 UTC
Neville blinks at the question, a little bemused. "I see no reason why it wouldn't be acceptable. Do you want a romantic bouquet, or something for friendship?"


aboveallpride February 16 2012, 00:58:46 UTC
"Well... I don't exactly know... it's kind a crush." She blushes at Neville.


killedthesnake February 22 2012, 06:59:25 UTC
Neville nods. "If you want to let them know you're interested, then flowers are an excellent idea. I know far too much about crushes," he shares with a conspiratorial grin. "So you'd probably want something between romance and friendship?" He snips a black eyed susan from a pot. "This flower's meaning is encouragement and yellow sometimes means a secret admirer, so the combination would be appropriate, and we can combine other flowers in the bouquet. What do you think?"


in_summer_leaf February 15 2012, 08:16:30 UTC
As he arrives at the greenhouse from the direction of the woods, Hisoka catches a glimpse of Neville amidst the burgeoning greenery inside. He taps on one of the windows, and smiles through the glass.


killedthesnake February 22 2012, 07:01:06 UTC
Neville waves at Hisoka, and then motions him inside, a welcoming smile on his face. "Hisoka! You really should visit me here more often," he greets him like an old friend. "But given you're here today, I suspect you're not just here for a chat?"


in_summer_leaf February 23 2012, 04:09:23 UTC
"I would like to come more often," responds Hisoka, with a smile. "Today, of course, I've come for flowers. Do you have any recommendations?"


killedthesnake February 25 2012, 21:41:55 UTC
"Well, we could go by flower meanings, based on your intent or depth of affection? Or we can simply choose what you think suits them in appearance?" Neville suggests. He nods to a bucket nearby. "I think the lillies are especially pretty."


notavillain February 16 2012, 23:32:54 UTC
Warren knocks on the door frame of the greenhouse as he pokes his head in. "Hey, Neville. I saw your sign," he jerks his thumb back toward the mansion to indicate where he saw it. "...I wanted to get some flowers for Genie." The whole romance thing still doesn't come all that naturally to Warren, but he tries.


killedthesnake February 22 2012, 07:03:59 UTC
"Hello, Warren. It's nice to see you again," Neville smiles in greeting. "I'm sure Genie will love flowers. Did you have something specific in mind or do you want me to come up with something?"


notavillain February 24 2012, 01:05:44 UTC
"I'm...not very good at this kind of thing," he says, sounding a little embarassed. "Maybe you should come up with something?" Plants and flowers have never been Warren's strong point.


killedthesnake February 25 2012, 21:47:55 UTC
"Well, red stands for love, so how about a mix of several types of red flowers?" He pulls out some red roses (of course), but also some red gerber daisies, dahlias and peonies. "Then we can soften it with some baby's breath and maybe some violets, for faithfulness?" He likes Genevieve a lot, and wants her to be pleased. And his respect for Warren goes up several notches, for taking the time to drop by.


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