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for_ireland December 4 2011, 02:56:23 UTC
If Vivien is in the common room later, she'll find Damien, having some tea and reading a medical text book. He is a doctor, and would be glad to help with any of her problems - any problems that he can, anyway.


for_ireland December 4 2011, 06:05:51 UTC
He smiles gently at her, and waits for her to get her feet before making his way downstairs to where he knows Muraki has a clinic. He knocks on the door before entering, and leading her to the back.

"Wait here for a moment while I find the fetal monitor, will ye?"


rubberbaby_bump December 4 2011, 07:46:24 UTC
She's a bit perplexed why there would be a clinic in a basement, and yet she feels somewhat at ease to have a doctor looking after her. She perches herself on an examination table, clasping her hands between her knees. "My time is yours, Doctor," she replies. But she'll look around: the place is neat and tidy, meticulously so, and she can't help but wonder who set this up, or if this is Damien's devising.


for_ireland December 4 2011, 16:21:56 UTC
Damien didn't set it up, no, but it's little different than it would have been if he had. Damien was a strict believer in the importance of a clean and orderly clinic.

Finding the fetal monitor, he wheels it back into the room where Vivien is waiting, and gives her a smile.

"Here we are. Let's hook you up and see how the wee ones are getting on."


rubberbaby_bump December 5 2011, 04:30:56 UTC
"All right," she says, laying back on the table and lifting the waist of her shirt. At this point, she's showing, but it's still somewhat easily concealed under a loose-fitting shirt.


for_ireland December 5 2011, 04:33:45 UTC
He hooks her up to the monitor, finding one heartbeat, and then the other with a bit of relief.

"Ah, they look like they're doing fine. That's grand."

He's relieved, but he continues to look for any sign of anomaly that might have been brought on by the transfer to this place.


rubberbaby_bump December 5 2011, 04:40:28 UTC
She breathes much easier at this prognosis. "Oh, thank goodness," she murmurs. "I take it that means the...arrival here didn't hurt them?"

Footsteps might be heard on the stairs outside, entering the office just outside the examination room...


for_ireland December 5 2011, 04:42:07 UTC
"Aye, it means they're doing just fine," he smiles, and hearing the noise outside, he turns his head towards he door.

"Ah, excuse me for a moment?"


Will be switching accounts as needed. silvereyedphage December 6 2011, 23:28:51 UTC
Once he steps into the outer room, he'll come face to face with a tall, slim gentleman, clad in a white three-piece suit, peering through rimless glasses with a slightly concerned look in his silver-grey eyes.

"You'll have to pardon my sudden entrance, I was just coming downstairs when I heard voices in here," the pale stranger says, bowing his head.


Re: Will be switching accounts as needed. for_ireland December 6 2011, 23:43:59 UTC
"Oh, aye, are you the doctor in charge here? I'm Dr. O'Donovan, and I've got a woman who has just arrived here pregnant, and I was just using the equipment to check on the wee ones."

He hopes that's okay. He doesn't see why it wouldn't be, but the man looks a bit concerned, and Damien isn't quite sure how he feels about being alone down here with him. Why he feels that slight anxiety, he's not quite sure.


Re: Will be switching accounts as needed. silvereyedphage December 7 2011, 08:27:55 UTC
"I did set up this clinic, and while I'm not exactly the house physician, I've been treating a few people who've come to me with injuries or illnesses," he says. Then with a bow, he adds, "I'm Dr. Kazutaka Muraki, it's a pleasure to have a fellow physician. You must be new here?"


Re: Will be switching accounts as needed. for_ireland December 7 2011, 16:27:30 UTC
"Well, I thank you for doing it," he smiled. "And aye, I am new here. I just arrived a few weeks ago, and am getting settled in slowly but surely. Would you like to look at the fetal monitor, and make sure I am doing things correctly? I've never worked with one before."


Re: Will be switching accounts as needed. silvereyedphage December 10 2011, 03:10:54 UTC
"It would be my pleasure and an honor," he says, bowing again. "I take it the patient is newly arrived as well?" he asks, stepping toward the exam room.


Re: Will be switching accounts as needed. for_ireland December 14 2011, 00:31:35 UTC
"Aye, she's just arrived, I found her and thought she should be checked out, especially with her condition the way it is."


Re: Will be switching accounts as needed. silvereyedphage December 14 2011, 02:06:34 UTC
"Mmm, there's little that one can foresee as to how her unborn child will respond to the arrival here," he says, stepping into the exam room.

Vivien has settled back on the examination table, but when Damien and the newcomer enter, she sits up again. "is something wrong?" she asks.


Re: Will be switching accounts as needed. for_ireland December 14 2011, 17:05:18 UTC
"No, not at all," Damien says soothingly, offering her a small smile. "This is Dr. Muraki, he's going to look at you too, just to make sure that everything's alright. We're not sure how we're brought here, so we just want to be extra careful that nothing's hurt the wee babies."


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