[Mingler] The Death of Agrippina

Nov 28, 2011 20:02

It's been a long time coming - many hurdles have delayed the event, but it has finally happened. Posters have been put up in various places throughout the Mansion throughout the past few weeks, from the moment that the date was set.
The Death of Agrippina
A tragedy in 5 acts
Caesar Tiberius holds Rome in the palm of his firm hands. General Germanicus ( Read more... )

echo (alchemaster's apprentice), zz:(dropped)brett crezski, cyrano de bergerac, zz:(dropped)damien o'donovan, tom yarbro, titus groan, lystra, paulinka erdnuss, zz:(dropped)millicent bulstrode, alphonse elric, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, neville longbottom, fuchsia groan, icarus, bridget, zz:(dropped)dean winchester, zz:(dropped)enide, melou, !mingler, catherine morland

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Comments 487

for_ireland November 30 2011, 00:15:41 UTC
Damien's here, unable to resist a little bit of entertainment, and neeing a break from catching up on his medical knowledge.

He's dressed in his Sunday best, and standing with his hands in his pockets, looking both nervous and a little sad. Sinéad would have loved this.


survivingson December 2 2011, 21:40:18 UTC
Brett has been attracted by the noise, but he's slightly put off by the unfamiliarity of anything remotely thespian - that was Andie's shtick, not his own - and not knowing many people. So he's hanging around the fringes, looking similarly uncomfortable and distinctly wary.

He'll still smile if he catches Damien's eye, though, and comment with, "Full house, looks like."


for_ireland December 3 2011, 01:19:25 UTC
Damien smiles, glad to see that someone looks as awkward here as he does. He nods a greeting.

"Aye, 'tis. Quite a good show, as well, not that I'm an expert on the matter."


survivingson December 4 2011, 02:46:05 UTC
Brett can't hide the uncertainty he feels as to the quality of the show; he doesn't know. He couldn't follow what was happening, but that probably owes more to his ignorance than the writing or acting. He nods anyway, always game.

"Me either, but they looked like they were having fun. And everyone was clapping a lot, so they probably know something we don't."


killedthesnake November 30 2011, 01:40:06 UTC
Neville had been hanging out in the background, so he could help out as a stage hand if needed, but he'd dressed up, even wearing a tie. It wasn't often he had the excuse; the greenhouse certainly wasn't the place for it.

He'll be standing around after, smiling because he enjoyed the play so much.


surfaceshine December 2 2011, 23:31:12 UTC
Dean in a crowd is a special beast, and he happens to the unwary at random. Which is to say that probably the first Neville will be aware of him (or maybe not, obviously, as Dean has a rather large and loud mouth) is when the hunter is crashing hands-first, typist willing, into his shoulders, clapping the smaller man heartily as he grins. He's relieved to be released from the suspense of a ritual he really doesn't understand in the least but was obligated to attend.

"We're free, man," he exclaims, because a forcibly stationary Dean is a twitchy Dean and he's approximately twice as obnoxious once released to be mobile again. He doesn't know Neville was attached to it at all, but his tone is more light-heartedly conspiratorial than actually dreadful.


killedthesnake December 12 2011, 06:49:42 UTC
Actually, Neville is surprised by Dean's greeting, but it's a nice kind of surprise. He grins, and typist willing, will return the claps to the other man's shoulders. "Dean! Practically the whole Mansion turned out for this, huh?"


surfaceshine December 12 2011, 12:34:28 UTC
Some days, Dean can't stand crowds; others, he remembers what he used to be like, and thrives in them. Tonight is one of the latter, apparently, as he doesn't even flinch at the contact and remains very close to Neville's side, scanning the room in question with his grin lingering.

"Looks like - and me without my pretzel stand. Damn. We could've made a killing if you could keep the cheese sauce hot."


wycked_witch November 30 2011, 01:59:25 UTC
Millicent is at the play for two specific reasons - Aramat and Magdalen. Her eyes stay transfixed on the two women throughout the performance. They're free to notice her rather intense stare, or anyone else for that matter.

We'll understand if no one wishes to approach her, but she did manage not to attack anyone during the entire length of the play.


surfaceshine December 3 2011, 00:25:31 UTC
Well, never let it be said that Dean doesn't lack every ounce of common sense given to a stewed carrot; or that he has brass balls the size of Maine. But definitely one or the other, because he ends up shuffled in the crowd next to her towards the end, and he doesn't seem to think twice about smirking at her.

"Hey," he says, because that's an awesome idea.


wycked_witch December 12 2011, 09:39:01 UTC
Millicent's mouth bunches up as if she smells curdled milk. "Did you just speak to me?"


surfaceshine December 13 2011, 09:09:44 UTC
Dean is so very accustomed to that it doesn't even faze him.

"Yeah - among other things, it's what these lip contraptions are for, I'm told," he replies, unflappable.


cannotresist December 1 2011, 01:46:53 UTC
Paulinka's hanging out afterwards, feeling rather pleased with herself. She felt she gave a decent performance (of course she would--she'd never expect anything less from herself!), and wants to congratulate the others on their work.


in_summer_leaf December 2 2011, 07:51:44 UTC
"You were amazing," says Hisoka, stopping to express his sincere reaction to Paulinka's perfomance.


cannotresist December 2 2011, 19:51:50 UTC
She grins. "Thank you very much! I appreciate the compliment."


in_summer_leaf December 3 2011, 01:33:45 UTC
He grins back. "So, what do you think? Did we pull it off, or what?"


survivingson December 2 2011, 21:45:49 UTC
Brett is pretty confused by the end of the play, attracted to the crowd but not really familiar with the atmosphere or the people in it. He's trying to be friendly, though, because he's lonely and he's always liked being a part of groups.

That's pretty much about 90% of teenage life, after all. So he's trying.


blindbomber December 3 2011, 06:05:49 UTC
Iggy had been hanging back, listening to the play and enjoying himself as much as possible. He didn't want to bother anybody after all for a play by play of the action; things were fairly self-evident from the text anyway.

He's mingling here and there, though mostly still hanging back out of the way and listening to conversation.

Brett is free to notice the six foot four teenager with wings though.


survivingson December 4 2011, 03:01:07 UTC
Oh, and he will notice. And being seventeen and possessing the natural subtlety of a cinder block, he will probably stare, moreso when he realizes that Iggy won't be able to see him doing it. He separates out the dusty scent from the rest of the crowd that belongs to the stranger, and whatever he sorts out from there makes him sidle closer.

"Hey," he says, uncertainly, but friendly enough. He's kind of a jerk sometimes, but he means well.


blindbomber December 4 2011, 03:36:02 UTC
He can take a bit of jerky behavior and give some back in turn. Iggy tilts his head and smils a bit at the unfamiliar voice.

"Hi. What'd you think?" He nods towards the stage. "I was a bit lost myself..."


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