Feb 01, 2010 17:00

Iskierka has been considering, in her not very slow and deliberate way. There are allies of the French here. Granby and Laurence and Temeraire are not here. And there might be capital to be had. And, well, if Captain Laurence ordered it...

But she decides to give a good warning, and hence, circling over the Mansion, she lets out a thunderous roar and only sets the kitchen on fire.

For now. Watching the door, though, with keen eyes, for soldiers, fully ready to exhale firey doom on these dastardly Noldor. Or really, Anyone Who Tries to Attack.

Resplendently red and purple and big, those used to fairy tales might be surprised to see one actually in the air, seemingly intent on wreaking destruction.

Thank Morgoth! Feel free to try to talk her down, vanquish the dragon, get scorched or otherwise mauled, injured, or dead. Everyone's invited! Yay! \o/

Oh, and of course, you are welcome to stay safely in a room untouched by dragon. Only for those who want it, handwave, handwave.

guinevere, zz:(dropped)richard dinardo, merlin, zz:(dropped)gabrielle, steerpike, zz:(dropped)armand st. just (novel), ambarussa, iphigenia, !crackplot, zhane, warren peace, zz:(dropped)gellert grindelwald, niko leandros, geneviève émery, zillah katz, paul (the historian), zz:(dropped)nick ryves, zz:(dropped)iskierka, johnny rockfort, caliban leandros, caranthir

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