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Comments 412

itsnotrelevant October 1 2010, 03:51:17 UTC
It won't take too long before he hears what's probably a familiar sound, the pitter-patter of tiny feet in huge combat boots, running at top speed. Soon a familiar head of dark hair, slightly mussed from running, appears around the doorframe. River stares at him wide-eyed and intent, silent for the moment, trying to determine if he's really there or not.


mal_badinlatin October 1 2010, 04:58:47 UTC
He pauses, eying her puzzled-like, really starting to wonder where they got to, if Simon's crazy sister is here. Maybe Book used his privileges to get them to some place they usually wouldn't get a welcome, and the others are here as well. "Your brother here?" he asks.


itsnotrelevant October 1 2010, 06:13:38 UTC
She shakes her head. "No one. Just us." No Simon, no Zoe, no Book... "No way back."


mal_badinlatin October 2 2010, 06:53:46 UTC
"No way back? Whaddayah mean, no way back? There's always a way back, if there ain't a way forward," he says, starting to babble. Or wonder if he's gone as crazy as her.


zhany_silver October 1 2010, 04:48:47 UTC
Should Mal wander out on the porch, he might come across an old teen who looks like some sort of soldier, some sort of space-farer. Zhane has been playing with wearing his uniform once in a while, for the kick of it, and today is one of these days.

He's dallying, though - he might be a touch bored and looks generally approachable.


mal_badinlatin October 1 2010, 05:06:06 UTC
By now, he's likely found a shirt and he's stepping out to get some fresh air that in a basement or recycled atmo. He's still walking stiffly, favoring his left side, but he's mobile.

That's when he spots the youngster: at first he's wondering of the kid might be some kind of Alliance cadet, but the uniform isn't right. Can't be too careful, though, so best to keep it casual. "Hey, kid... know what planet this is?"


zhany_silver October 1 2010, 05:18:47 UTC
Ahahahahaha the good old planet question. Zhane smirks a bit cockily. "If I tell you that I've been stuck for - I think - half a cycle and none of my instruments are helpful, are you gonna call me stupid?"

Also, I'm not a kid. :| (He totally is.)


mal_badinlatin October 1 2010, 05:23:50 UTC
He smirks a little: likes the kid's attitude. A little too cocky, but cockiness is a sign of confidence and stick-to-itivness. "No, I'd say yer just as lost as I am. Yer ship's electricals get fried on the way down? Been known to happen."


tomboy_22 October 1 2010, 04:58:41 UTC
Anita's outside, actually - and if Mal ever takes to exploring, he'll come across a hardass little black-haired woman who is shooting a mean set of blanks into a target.

Might as well suppose she was born with a gun.


mal_badinlatin October 1 2010, 05:31:21 UTC
Mal is, to put it in simple terms, a doctor's nightmare, since he will not stay put when injured, unless you shackle him to the bed. Thus he's venturing through the grounds, careful not to limp too badly. The air is a mite nippy for his taste and he's gone in to fetch his coat, which is now draped over his shoulders, the comforting leather folds covering the holster at his right hip.

Coming upon Anita, he pauses, watching her with a note of admiration: she's a right good shot, at least as good at Zoe.


tomboy_22 October 1 2010, 05:34:41 UTC
She shoots another sure shot, then sheathes the gun and turns to look at the new arrival.

And then she just raises one challenging eyebrow.


mal_badinlatin October 4 2010, 01:09:42 UTC
"Nice shot," he says. If there are casings on the ground, he might dart a surreptitious look of curiosity at them, since case-less ammunition has become norm in his time, even in firearms. "That a pre-mod .38?"


johnny_rockfort October 1 2010, 05:01:40 UTC
Johnny's done with working on the bar - he's given it more energy than anticipated, and is taking a well-deserved break outside, on the porch. He's watching the red leaves outside and though it's not the sunniest day, he's amazed by the colors.

He's got a cigarette on the corner of his lips and a beer in his hands. If he had a girl on his lap, life would be perfect, just about now.


mal_badinlatin October 1 2010, 05:39:36 UTC
It's been a while since Mal has seen autumn foliage, much less had the chance to linger planet-side and admire it, as he perches one hip on the porch railing. The colors remind him of the cottonwoods behind the ranch house, back home on Hera when he was a kid. He glances over his shoulder at the youngster, who looks like he's almost completely at ease. "Looks like you got it made, fella," he says.


johnny_rockfort October 2 2010, 18:57:00 UTC
Johnny tilts his head so ass to give the other guy a better look. He shrugs, burps loudly. "Not hurting anyone, am I?"

He's always a touch defensive around strangers.


mal_badinlatin October 5 2010, 06:24:13 UTC
"Wasn't implyin' that y' were: wish I could share a drink for y' but I got enough painkillers in me to floor a horse," he says, wryly, wincing as a twinge of pain jabs through his torso.


alwaysmovingon October 1 2010, 06:03:48 UTC
So...captains. The Doctor has experience with a few. Well, one. And Mal is not, we think, very much like Jack. But he is a captain with a spaceship and - well.

Should he come outside at some point, there is a blue box on the lawn, the door open and a curious, almost golden light filtering out on the lawn, and the noise of banging coming from inside.

Back at work on his girlfriend spaceship, the Doctor is. It makes him frowny when she is not fully functional, and he really, really needs to find a way to get to Donna. Wherever she is.


mal_badinlatin October 4 2010, 01:17:44 UTC
The Doctor isn't the only one who feels lost without his girl, who just so happens to be his means of transportation. Mal's still roving the grounds and the racket catches his attention first, before he finds the source of it. He approaches the blue box casually, but keeps a hand near his pistol just in case. The racket reminds him of Kaylee thumping around in the bowels of Serenity, but the light coming from the box doesn't seem right.


alwaysmovingon October 4 2010, 02:41:07 UTC
The banging stops as Mal approaches, and a moment later the Doctor emerges, closing the door behind him carefully and all smiles. Though the way he leans on the door is definitely protective. "Hello, thought I heard someone coming. Just doing a bit of repair work - well, more than a bit, not her fault, though-"

And then he notices the pistol, and frowns, a bit. At it. And mutters something nearly inaudible like "guns, why is it always guns." Raises his voice again, "And who are you?"


mal_badinlatin October 5 2010, 05:24:51 UTC
Mal totally gets that protectiveness in the other's body-language since he's felt the same way about Serenity (much as he wouldn't show it, really), even though he can't quite figure how someone could make that much noise in a space that's not much bigger than a large machinery crate.

"Sounded like you were: I've heard my own mechanic makin' just as much noise in m' boat's engine room," he says. "Mal Reynolds, captain of the Serenity: I run a small shipping operation, mostly small cargo. Anyone needs something moved from one planet to another and fast, I'm their man."


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