[Crackplot] Boom tomorrow. Always a boom tomorrow.

Jan 10, 2010 23:41

Morgoth has been observing. More to the point, he's been paying shrewd attention. The witches - by which he means the Edain and the Elda who have fought him before - are distracted. He has noticed the Merlin's increased reluctance to use magic. All this became very convenient... when he saw that suddenly there was a breach in the fabric of this ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)armand st. just (musical), guinevere, natalie goodman, !re-introduction, zz:(dropped)faraday, zz:(dropped)maeglin, aredhel, zz:(dropped)fingon, robb stark, zz:(dropped)clayton danvers, !crackplot, zhane, morgoth, anita blake, zz:(dropped)wilhelmina, zz:(dropped)sheila franklin, scheherazade, zz:(dropped)celegorm, zz:(dropped)mildmay, phèdre nò delaunay, angélique hubert, zz:(dropped)nick ryves, belize, zz:(dropped)daeron, sophie rackham, zz:(dropped)george berger, caranthir

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Comments 639

fckingperfect January 11 2010, 04:52:26 UTC
Natalie is making coffee in the kitchen when it happens. When she reaches to take the coffeepot out, the whole contraption explodes, getting coffee everywhere, including Natalie's clothes. It's hot, and it burns. "Ow!" she yelps, dashing to the sink to try to rinse the stains out, and ease the burns. "Damnit," she mutters as she tries to peel her scalded shirt from her body. "That hurts. Damnit."


zhany_silver January 11 2010, 05:53:55 UTC
Zhane was wandering down for breakfast (yes, even at a late hour) when he heard the cries and the explosion. He comes running in, ready to morph. "Don't worry it's all---" Hm. Well then. "Hm. Hi."


fckingperfect January 11 2010, 15:19:08 UTC
"...Hi," she says, still washing the stains out. "Uh, I exploded the coffee maker. Or something. Ow."


zhany_silver January 11 2010, 20:28:50 UTC
"Oh." Zhane relaxes. "That sounded -- pretty bad, actually." He comes over, hesitates. "Can I do anything helpful?"


fallenlomion January 11 2010, 06:38:59 UTC
Maeglin wanders in from outside, a sense of uneasiness crawling down his spine, but not intense enough to get him really on his toes. There's always something to be uneasy about, after all - he doesn't want to overreact to everything. Even if he is not pleased with the past few days and all over fuming, again, about his treatment (as he thinks of it) in Gondolin.

However, something, or nothing, catches his eye, and he wheels around, nervously tense, and grabs a small table reflexively.

Maeglin has good reflexes, but not quite good enough from that distance. And there is nothing he hates more than pain. Screaming, therefore, curled into himself amid the wreckage from the table and, well, bleeding. Though it seems to be mostly superficial.


elven_irs January 11 2010, 20:24:12 UTC
Caranthir was wandering back inside, his hand somewhat wounded from having had his hunting knife's handle explode on contact - this makes him in a worse mood than usual.

When he hears Maeglin's cries, he comes over, kneels.

"Hey, hey, boy." Just trying to get him to notice that his not!uncle is here.


fallenlomion January 11 2010, 23:53:38 UTC
Screams do fade to whimpers, eyes rolling over to look at Caranthir a little wildly - "It hurts," he says, "It hurts," And from where Caranthir is now, it might be more visible that while it's small as of yet, there's a small puddle of blood from where a sharp lance of wood has impaled him.


elven_irs January 12 2010, 06:10:45 UTC
... "Eru, boy, don't move," he says, calmly and competently. "I need to get this out of you. Look at me," he orders. "Look into my eyes. Now. Alright?"


deadlydanvers January 11 2010, 06:42:46 UTC
Clay does not like being thwarted. And while he might not have been too pissy about the first glass exploding, the second, third, and fourth are much more irritating.

Now bristling at the cabinet, there is a noise very like a growl coming from a still human throat. This is not, after all, in the least acceptable. All he wants is a frakking drink of water.


tomboy_22 January 11 2010, 20:27:29 UTC
The repetitive explosions get Anita's attention - she hasn't touched anything yet. She'll pause in the doorway, looking at Clay.

She's been thinking of him, lately. Missing him. Hoping he was alright.

"Hey," is her eloquent response.


deadlydanvers January 11 2010, 23:49:36 UTC
He wheels around and nearly snarls at her. But manages not to, though there is something dangerously feral around his eyes. "---do you know what the deal is with this?" Maybe just a little annoyed and/or pissy, why do you ask. And adds, belatedly, "Don't touch any of the glasses. Obviously."


tomboy_22 January 12 2010, 06:09:36 UTC
"... fuck." Eloquently. "Well, that's new. Hm. You thirsty?"


sophie_darling January 11 2010, 20:31:03 UTC
There's a little girl, crying loudly and wailing dramatically. She's beating the floor and rolling and just -- this is not good.

Sophie's favorite doll just exploded.

Might assume parents aren't too far, but. Feel free to consider her alone for now. If Papa Cal were to tag in, we'd love him for ever, but anyone else is most welcome.


emocaliban January 11 2010, 23:47:39 UTC
Oh, fuck you, says Papa Cal, but he's on the scene, loping in from outside and not quite - expecting that. At all. "Sophie?" Alarmed, and taking a quick several steps toward her. "Jesus - Sophie, what happened?" And if someone hurt you I'm going to have to smackabitch, but he doesn't say that part. Er. So much.


sophie_darling January 12 2010, 06:08:37 UTC
"She's broken she's broken and it hurts, and I don't know what to do I hate them I hate them ---" And she rolls on the floor, throwing a bad tantrum indeed.


emocaliban January 12 2010, 06:21:09 UTC
"Sophie, Sophie, come here Sophie, oh god, what's broken," kind of freaking out, now, he reaches for her, not quite sure what to do in this situation. Novice parent still. "Calm down, I can't understand what you're upset about-"


jusgimmehair January 11 2010, 20:34:02 UTC
Berger wandered in the kitchen, opened the fridge's door, sleepily.

And then, every single pot that had something staining exploded. "---- what the...."

Mansion dwellers, have a Berger, covered in ketchup, apple sauce, cream, what have you.


ofdoriath January 13 2010, 02:49:46 UTC
Daeron just poked his head through the door, half for the sound of the explosion, half because he is looking for Delilah. However, seeing what he does instead... he cannot help a muffled laugh. Muffled, mind you, but still distinctly a laugh.

Daeron: never above petty mockery, really.


jusgimmehair January 13 2010, 05:57:08 UTC
Berger looks back at the source of the sound, and can't help but grin genially. "Radical, huh?"


ofdoriath January 13 2010, 06:03:27 UTC
"Radical indeed." Oh, fuck. Daeron didn't like the 60s very much. Too many flaming idealists. However... "You might want to do something about your clothes."


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