[Open] Come to the Feast!

May 09, 2010 00:46

Her last conversation with Iggy has given Nellas an idea, finally, about a thank you for the bearskin and for people being her friends - and for getting to know others. Surprised as she is about herself, Nellas has found she enjoys company much more than solitude, although that is good sometimes when she needs to recharge ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)duck, parsifal, zz:(dropped)celegorm, icarus, delilah rose johnson, phèdre nò delaunay, zz:(dropped)nellas, zz:(dropped)harry potter, zz:(dropped)maedhros, !open post, zz:(dropped)favrielle nó eglantine, zz:(dropped)isolde of ireland, zhane

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Comments 112

zhany_silver May 9 2010, 04:26:42 UTC
Ask and you shall receive. There is a Zhane, and he is... well... staying a safe distance from the fires, and just... hesitating.

This all smells delicious. Really, it does.

But he's never seen anything like this before. Earthlings will never cease to surprise him.


three_leaves May 10 2010, 19:27:50 UTC
Nellas doesn't seem to share such hesitations, tending to the fires and turning the spit another time so the meat stays warm. She waves to Zhane - maybe a new friend? - and gestures to the plates. "Are you hungry? You look hungry! Come here, you can eat!" She laughs, not out of mockery, but because if a stranger you don't even know seems to like what you what you've done, that's probably a success.


zhany_silver May 10 2010, 19:58:16 UTC
He wanders over, hands in his pockets (he's wearing gray and black, and never wears anything else, it's a Power Ranger thing).

"It smells great," he informs her, and is shifting from one foot to the other. "-- did you make all this?"


three_leaves May 12 2010, 00:52:16 UTC
"I did!" she chirps in answer, proudly. "I made it as a surprise for Delilah and Iggy. Delilah is nice, and Iggy's my friend," she explains. "I live on his balcony." Then she blinks. "But you can have food - there's enough for everyone."


kamloops_rose May 9 2010, 04:46:32 UTC
Delilah might pause on her way to the lake, and be alerted by the sweet smells. She'll crouch at a polite distance, and clear her throat.

She remembers how nervous Nellas was when they met, and doesn't want to scare her away.


three_leaves May 10 2010, 19:28:33 UTC
Once again it shows that Nellas has rapidly gained trust in her surroundings, and she remembers Delilah favourably, more so now that Nellas knows of her help with the bearskin. So the elf beams at her, and gestures to come closer, and she grabs a plate to pile it high with the best delicacies of the feast (in her opinion). That she carries over to Delilah.

"For you!" she says, and offers the food. "As a thank you."


kamloops_rose May 10 2010, 20:05:03 UTC
Delilah is... delightedly surprised, and accepts the plate with wide eyes - food is a serious matter, in her world, and this is a bigger deal than Nellas might suspect.

"-- thank you -- it wasn't much, really...."

But she's already taking the plate. "-- will you eat with me?"


three_leaves May 12 2010, 00:57:54 UTC
"It was!" She smiles to see Delilah accept the food. "It's still cold at night. Only now I have the bearskin to keep me warm."

And you don't decline an invitation or request, and Nellas reaches for a plate herself. "I hope you like it. I think it is very different from what other people eat. I did not take anything from the kitchen. Only the spices. I could not find them in the forest."


blindbomber May 9 2010, 04:55:54 UTC
Iggy has no such qualms about keeping his distance. He can smell food, good food, and now that he's feeling much better than he was before, he's rather keen to get some.

So, here's a young man, with fresh and once more healthy looking wings, wandering carefully by, sniffing at the air curiously.


three_leaves May 10 2010, 19:29:14 UTC
"IGGY!" And that's the only warning he gets before there is a Nellas coming running to hug him tight, and with no pretense at secrecy at that. "I cooked, like I said I would!"


blindbomber May 10 2010, 19:56:23 UTC
Iggy laughs, his wings opening up a bit to keep them both from falling to the grass, and hugs her too. "I can smell it. Did you do all this on your own? I could have helped."


three_leaves May 12 2010, 01:01:46 UTC
"It was supposed to be a surprise!" she laughs again. "But maybe we can make food together the next time? Do you want to try any of this?"

She hopes he does. Releasing Iggy, Nellas bounces lightly on the balls of her feet, somewhat jittery-nervous and hoping that if he eats anything, he will like it.


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three_leaves May 10 2010, 19:29:45 UTC
Typist loves the elfgirl a lot, but would agree to send her on holidays with Bek and Nelyo every now and then, if that is alright? ^^

"Yes, and I think it's all very tasty. Do you want to try something, Nelyo? It took me almost three days!" She is looking happy, though, as if that hadn't been any work at all, but mostly Nellas is happy to see her adopted brother, and bounces over to hug him, too. He looks like he needs it.


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three_leaves May 12 2010, 01:04:20 UTC
Nellas blinks at him for a moment, wondering what Eru has to do with all this except making the forest and the lake, and then decides that maybe it is a figure of speech. Or maybe praise, and that is making her blush bright red.

"It was nice to make. And I wanted to give a gift to Iggy, but I didn't know what. And to my other friends. And to my brother, too." She beams. Nelyo definitely was on her mind while she made this.


thenotsofair May 10 2010, 00:34:00 UTC
Tyelko is just coming back from the woods tall dark and crazy without any game, but that probably has something to do with the still puppyish dog romping around his legs, and with glee. Anto, however, smells someone new - and furthermore, food - and takes off running in Nellas's direction, tongue trailing out of his mouth and almost bumbling in his haste, with a Feanorian trying not to facepalm and jogging after.

Puppy, meanwhile, says hiiiii Nellas I like your faaace. :D


three_leaves May 10 2010, 19:30:30 UTC
Eeeee, dog! Nellas says, and tries to keep Anto out of her face and away from the food - meaning, probably, that by the time Tyelko arrives he'll find them rolling in the grass and Nellas laughing with glee before she notices his keeper -- also an elf, yay, and she pauses, flushed, tousled and breathless from laughter and tussling.

"Is he yours? I think he's hungry. Are you hungry?" She beams at them both.


thenotsofair May 11 2010, 01:12:34 UTC
But Anto does not want to stay out of her face! He wants to be in her face and kissing her face and ooh, food, wants food, and so on. He's still very much a puppy.

And his keeper can't really keep from grinning a little, almost laughing, at the scene- "--maybe a little - I hope he's not bothering you too much," Trying to be apologetic, but he can't help his mouth twitching a little. Because people who can play with dogs are always good people.


three_leaves May 12 2010, 01:43:23 UTC
"He is great!" And saying that she tries to slip her arms around Anto to keep him from pouncing on the spit-roasted birds and coney, laughing again. Squirming dogs are hard to hold still, even though she really doesn't mind the doggy kisses so much, only wiping her face with a grimace and -- yet more laughter, because the dog is adorable. If problematic. "Can you take him off?"


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