[open] Turnabout Terror

Mar 25, 2010 22:46

After saying his goodbyes and being completely fed up with peoples' foolish superstitions, Miles Edgeworth goes outside to restart his car and leave this strange place. However, as he opens the door, he is greeted by a very different landscape than he had left the night before. Where there was once paved street, there was now little more than a ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)miles edgeworth, merlin, zz:(dropped)nellas, !open post, zz:(dropped)maedhros, zz:(dropped)adaon, asato tsuzuki, tony foster, anita blake

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Comments 192

cute_shinigami March 26 2010, 04:47:53 UTC
Tsuzuki had been somewhat saddened when he and Miles had exchanged their goodbyes at the door to his room, and he had almost tried again to warn the newcomer that leaving this place was near to impossible. But he let the other go with a friendly farewell and went in to finish folding up his bedding before tucking it away for the day ( ... )


hero0fjustice March 26 2010, 13:08:19 UTC
"TZUSU--whoa!" Miles stops short and slides in the mud. He windmills his arms wildly for a moment to balance himself again, and by some miracle doesn't fall over.

He was expecting Tzusuki, sure, but not that quickly... and not to just appear magically. "Were you following me?" he asks breathlessly, still hoping for a little normalcy. "You didn't just... appear out of thin air... did you?"


cute_shinigami March 26 2010, 13:48:49 UTC
"Well, ah, I guess I could say yes to both of your questions," Tsuzuki replies, rubbing the back of his neck a bit awkwardly. "I was a bit worried that something might happen to you out here -- I've heard there's wolves in these woods. And, well, I knew I wasn't going to keep up with you, even on a road like this, so I, ah, ...well, I phased into spirit form." He braces himself for the inevitable brain-breaking, but perhaps the weirdness that Miles has already been exposed to will help him accept this new revelation.


hero0fjustice March 28 2010, 01:14:44 UTC
Miles just stares at the detective, his mouth agape. After a moment, he snaps his jaw shut and nods slowly. "Spirit form... right... Excuse me for a moment, I'm feeling a little light-headed..." He rests his palms on his knees and tries to steady himself, his eyes screwed shut.

"So... you really are some kind of strange, supernatural... thing. And I really have stumbled into some kind of nonsensical, magical trap with no rhyme or reason to it?" he asks.


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hero0fjustice March 28 2010, 01:04:50 UTC
Miles runs up to Adaon wildly, though when he hears the elf's question he seems to calm down a bit. "I... I would say yes... but..." Miles looks downright dejected. "I doubt you could help me."

He glances back at the way he came, thinking of his car. "You were right - I hate to admit it, but you were right! I can't leave! Why can't I leave??" He begins to get worked up again.


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hero0fjustice March 28 2010, 01:20:02 UTC
Whoops! Uh, sure, either way is good. Gonna be slow tagging no matter what, lol

"Don't agitate myself?" Miles asks incredulously. "I just found out I'm trapped in a strange place with strange... things... and no law, and I am told not to agitate myself?? I have a lot of important work to do, I can't be stuck here!"


notgandalf March 26 2010, 07:19:29 UTC
Tony had been sitting out on the porch, worn deck of cards being dealt into a solitaire spread when he's jolted out by the shouting of his name. In a paniced voice.

Which, of course, gets his heart pumping and he's suddenly ready for a fight as he hops the railing of the porch and tries to intercept Edgeworth.

"Whoa! What the hell?! What's chasing you?"


hero0fjustice March 28 2010, 01:06:24 UTC
"Tony!" Miles runs up and claps his hands on the other man's shoulders, latching on. "I can't leave!" he says, his eyes wild. "I can't leave!!"


notgandalf March 28 2010, 18:29:57 UTC
"Whoa! Whoa. Easy." Tony reaches up and pat's Edgeworth's hands. "Breathe nice and slow. I know you can't leave. It's okay. Be calm and rational. You were being logical last night, right?"


hero0fjustice March 30 2010, 04:28:06 UTC
"Logical? Last night?" Miles hisses, incensed. "That was before I found myself at the Hotel California!"


tomboy_22 March 26 2010, 17:46:34 UTC
So as discussed.

When Anita spotted the car during her daily jogging, she double-took. Even that's not very common for her anymore - she often feels like she's seen everything.

The schock of seeing a modern vehicle that isn't her own overcome, she wandered over, calling. "Hey? Anybody in there?"

And once she asserted that the car was empty, she took to a more thorough search.

It's not impossible that Miles might find her searching through the glove compartment. If he's paying attention, she has a gun strapped in her shoulder holster, and is otherwise dressed in her usual Vamp Killer Casual gear.

The badge, so far, isn't visible.


hero0fjustice March 28 2010, 01:17:34 UTC
It was a few hours after his initial panic attack that Miles decided he should get his necessaries from the car, and perhaps try to get the car itself back to the Mansion. It needed to be cleaned, desperately.

As he comes upon it, he sees a suspicious figure going through it.

"H-hey!" He begins to jog toward the vehicle. "What do you think you're doing?!"


tomboy_22 March 28 2010, 02:20:00 UTC
She wheels around, teeth almost bared - it's a reflex more than anything. And then she stares. And then she chuckles (the frilly shirt is doing its work, apparently.)

And then she whips out her Federal marshal badge and flashes it.

"... trying to figure out who's the owner of this car, d'you mind?"


hero0fjustice March 29 2010, 03:22:07 UTC
"It's mine," Miles replies, trying to be civil despite his irritation. He shows his Prosecutor's badge and offers the Marshal his business card. "Is there a problem?"


three_leaves March 27 2010, 09:35:11 UTC
If he returns to his car at some point, he may find a strange girl in old-fashioned foresting garb crouching an arm's length distant and with a stick in hand that she uses to poke away at the headlights and other parts of the car.

She is currently so absorbed in examining the stinking red metal monster that she won't even notice his approach.


hero0fjustice March 28 2010, 01:21:54 UTC
Miles is heading back to his car, trying to be rational and take anything of importance to him back to his room in the Mansion. When he sees the girl he is at first surprised - both at her presence and her attire - and then he is greatly distressed at what she is doing to his car.

"Hey!" he yells, jogging up to her. "Don't scratch that!"


three_leaves March 29 2010, 00:18:32 UTC
Startled, Nellas bounds to her feet and eyes the strange man and his frilly shirt. Her stick she brandishes as if in defense, and it seems she has grown a little braver since her arrival, because she doesn't immediately disappear into a tree. So she'll tilt her head toward the car.

"What is the red thing? It stinks."

No, she has never seen one. In fact, aside from whatever amenities the Mansion is offering, this is her first enounter with modern technology.


hero0fjustice March 30 2010, 04:31:03 UTC
"It's my car," Miles says, annoyed. He then realizes, by her manner of dress and the fact that she didn't recognize the vehicle, maybe there's something wrong with her. Or maybe she's from another world. He'd rather pretend she's autistic than have to think about other worlds.

"A car..." he repeats slowly as he thinks of how to describe it. "For... for transportation. Like a horse, except you sit inside it and are sheltered from the elements. And it's not alive."


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