in which I display my own irrelevance to the greater fandom collective

Apr 20, 2009 11:54

What is the deal with the random new episodes of Bones on totally random nights? There's a new episode tonight, and I am glad I don't care anymore, or I'd be annoyed that they're showing it on a night I have to work until 8:00. Then there's another new episode on Thursday. It's sort of like even Fox thinks the show sucks this season and they're ( Read more... )


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Comments 23

rabidfan April 20 2009, 17:40:59 UTC
Visiting old fic is like visiting old friends that we haven't seen in a while. Some things need updating...our memories have to catch up with the reality that our friends went on living their lives while we weren't with them. We fill in all those unknown areas and that old friendship is all sparkly and new again. Speed and Tyler have been living their lives...waiting for the time to become reaquainted with you. Now that you've met up again, it's only natural that you want to put all of that new information into your personal fandom. It's the responsible, friendly thing to do!


carolinecrane April 20 2009, 21:59:38 UTC
True, true. I never really let go of my favorites anyway. Case in point: Nick and Greg. I suppose if there was someone else out there who loved Speed/Tyler as much as me, I would still write them. But no one ever asks for them, so it never happens. Poor boys. Now I feel guilty.


rabidfan April 20 2009, 22:06:34 UTC
Don't feel guilty. I love them...but we're on hiatus. The network will probably pick me up as a summer replacement tho, so I'll read them all again then.

I'm sorry to hear you're so tired. (Lack of sugar and caffeine???) I hope you get some good rest tonight. I'm still dragging around after my long weekend (and I think I'm getting a cold. Damn.) watching weird youtube stuff. (Stephen Lynch "My name is Satan" and this really weird one with sheep and LED lights.) We'll all be back to normal in a few days. I guess we can wait that long.


carolinecrane April 20 2009, 22:09:12 UTC
I have no idea what you're talking about, but okay. My brain isn't really functioning today.

I'm tired because I have my period and today is the day that I have no energy at all. I haven't given up caffeine yet, but I am doing okay on sugar so far. Not that I eat much sugar anyway. The detox is related to something that I might post about in my other journal, if I can work up the energy. We'll see. I'm going to have to stay off it for awhile to see any benefits, though, so that sucks.


bitchygrrl April 20 2009, 18:04:04 UTC
I just watched Season 1 of Criminal Minds this weekend. I still don't know how I missed this show. I think there is an old ep coming on a 9:00 I have no idea why though. I'm trying hard to stick with Harper's Island


carolinecrane April 20 2009, 19:31:09 UTC
I caught up on the first three seasons over the summer, so I missed it too. My reason is that I used to work Wednesday nights, but I still didn't make an effort until this year. Anyway, it's a good show. Slash aside, the writing is pretty solid.


bitchygrrl April 20 2009, 19:34:53 UTC
*giggles at your icon* Yes the writing is solid and most of the acting is too. I also like that the slash is so I want to say natural (for want of a better word) I like the whole tteam well except Elle. I shed no tears when she left. I'm just starting S.2


carolinecrane April 20 2009, 19:37:10 UTC
Yeah, Elle kind of sucked. I liked her okay, then the way they wrote her out made me hate her. But I love her replacement so I'm glad she's gone.

The slash really *is* natural. That's why I couldn't resist, I guess, though I havent' written them in awhile. I find the fandom a little scary and off-putting, but I usually only write in fandoms no one else writes in, so that might be why.


spoiledjap April 20 2009, 18:18:25 UTC
Oh Speed and Tyler how Ruth loves you so. And while you didn't mean for this meta to become fic, it so filled in gaps :). I think I might spend my night rereading the Speed/Tyler universe cause I do that sometimes.

Truth be told, I love Harper's Island; Harper's and The #1 Lady Detective Agency are the shows I'm loving right now.


carolinecrane April 20 2009, 19:30:05 UTC
I figured it I typed up my nebulous Speed/Tyler thoughts they would get out of my head and I could get back to current writing projects. Of course I am so exhausted today that I have no idea whether or not it worked, because there's no way I am writing anything in the next few hours.

Harper's Island was terrible the first week, but it's starting to hit its stride. My sister and I call the little British dude 'gay boyfriend', since that's what I thought he was when we first saw him, and we were both really amused by him this past week. So hopefully he'll stick around for awhile.


writingpathways April 21 2009, 01:27:12 UTC
Wasn't British Gay Boyfriend awesome!


carolinecrane April 21 2009, 03:20:26 UTC
He totally was! I was all, "Aw, Gay Boyfriend, stop being so cute. C.J. already has my heart!" But then I fell a little in love with him anyway.


inalasahl April 20 2009, 20:06:00 UTC
What is the deal with the random new episodes of Bones on totally random nights?
Yes! I cannot keep up even with a DVR.


carolinecrane April 20 2009, 21:58:31 UTC
It's really annoying. I mean, it's Fox, so big surprise, but still.


writingpathways April 21 2009, 01:26:02 UTC
Bones was on tonight? WTF? Oh well. I probably won't watch it Thursday either since I'm a freak and worry to much about even missing a second of SPN.


carolinecrane April 21 2009, 03:19:43 UTC
You can always watch it on Hulu if you really want to catch up. Though frankly, until they hire Michael Terry full time, I am just going to watch his episodes and skip the rest.


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