If, instead of gender-bending by making the dude the gold rider, we could have some awesome ladies be bronze riders! Superawesome right? I nominate Big Barda ('cuz you know Scott has a green), Harry Watson, Xena, and Aeryn Sun.
So faire_weather had this survey about men and makeup, and it made my hind-brain twitch and then this rant popped out.
I don't support anything that could make make-up more mandatory instead of less. (And if you don't think it's mandatory, try getting a job if you're a women without wearing any. Women have been fired for not wearing any).
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So I understand the intent of the phrase "have the cake and eat it too", but, why the hell would you want a cake you can't eat? What possible use would you have for it? If I can't eat the cake, it has no value to me. Wanting the entire solution is not greedy, especially if you can't actually do anything if you only have half
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Why do people insist on coding 6 point font that's gray on gray? Do they not want me to read their potentially interesting Merlin/Harry Potter crossover? 'Cuz, baby, unless it's very heavily recced I'm not going to bother trying to make it more legible if you're not willing to make the minimal accessibility considerations. Clearly, you don't
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that Obama would stop being a douche about LGBTQ issues. I mean, I know he's old school and all, but he needs to kick his attitudes about them back to the book they came from and start addressing the actual current shown and proven harm of segregating and ghettoizing those who are not straight, who do not conform physically and mentally to gender/
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While trolling for new music, I have come across a page of "100 Top Wedding Songs". Among the list is Careless Whispers. Which, um, I'm pretty sure is about the demise of a relationship due to cheating. Who plays that at a wedding?
I love libraries. And the little kids trying to whisper and being louder then if they had just talked normally. The retirees who come in and read all the magazines. The school kids doing homework. The free wifi...
I get a lot of interesting information about random cool stuff from boing boing. However, I really strongly dislike their figure art posts. Every once in a while could you post some soft core porn for those attracted to guys instead of girls at least? I mean, this could have been something cool. Instead it's boring and tired fetish art. All
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