*ponders* so..

Nov 06, 2009 15:15

I think I may be getting sick. The past few days I've felt kind of sick to my stomach, not that I couldn't stand to eat less right now but still sucks. I woke up this morning with post nasal drip and a stuffy nose which seems to have mostly cleared up but again, not the most pleasant thing to wake up to ( Read more... )

sick, health, eating

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Comments 3

silvertaine November 7 2009, 00:26:53 UTC
You're lucky it's taken this long if you are... especially with me coming down with this cold while I was there. Never got a fever, but I'm still hacking gunk out of my lungs... and whenever I speak, it still sounds like I screamed for hours at a concert.



carmelrain November 7 2009, 00:40:01 UTC
Maybe you're the reason David has pink eye too? Or whatever infection he has. :P


silvertaine November 7 2009, 18:55:31 UTC
I know nothing of Pink Eye... though my eyes would sometimes get a bit blood-shot after a hacking-crap-outta-my-lungs fit. ;)


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