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samueljames January 1 2010, 01:10:44 UTC
Star Trek, Scotty/author's choice. Three years into their mission Jim tries his hand at match making because he wants everyone to be as happy as he and Bones are.


y helo thar, unrequested Firefly crossover alder_knight January 2 2010, 09:07:32 UTC
"Look, I'm not saying anything, I just think you should at least talk to her," said Kirk as he took a sip of his coffee, indicating the far corner of the mess with a tilt of his head.

"Oh, aye, I'm sure," grumbled Scotty, "and if this is anywhere near as good as the time you set me up with that lass from Maranga IV... where's this one from, by the way, what's her name?"

"Frye, sir, Ensign Kaylee, pleased to meet you," said the girl in red, beaming as she approached their table - "just transferred to Enterprise engineering from the Starfleet base on Persephone - and I want to say, sir, I've never been on a ship this shiny, she sure is pretty... I did have a question about the fabrication compound for the coils in the impulse drives, though..." and at that point Kirk stood up and walked away, chuckling, leaving the bewildered but pleased-looking Scotty behind.


Uh, hope this crossover is okay.
I ship Kaylee/Scotty like burning. D:


alder_knight January 2 2010, 09:14:03 UTC
...That fill didn't really address most of your prompt at all, looking at it again. I'm sorry. :/


Re: y helo thar, unrequested Firefly crossover samueljames January 2 2010, 11:27:56 UTC
I didn't read it because I haven't watched Firefly and Serenity yet. I've marked it to come back to in the future though.



alder_knight January 2 2010, 21:46:08 UTC
Bleh, I'm sorry. If you have a request for the pairing (I wrote the crossover because I didn't know who to pair Scotty with), I'll write something different.


samueljames January 2 2010, 22:37:25 UTC
I didn't mean to be rude. I've had Firefly and Serenity for a while but haven't watched them yet. I will come back to your response though.

I left it author's choice because you can end up with a surprise pairing you haven't read before. I like him with Chekov but only over 18 Chekov. I've also read him with Bones but Scotty doesn't get included in many pairings bless him.

Sorry if I made you feel bad. I had a slightly negative response to one of my fills here which can be discouraging. I know there's always a risk that the prompter has a different idea in their head of how it should be.


alder_knight January 3 2010, 01:32:02 UTC
Nah, you weren't rude, I felt bad because I wrote what I wanted instead of what you asked for. I figured I should offer a do-over, since I shanghai'd your prompt. :)

If I come up with any good ideas, I'll take another stab at it!


Re: y helo thar, unrequested Firefly crossover samueljames December 15 2010, 01:16:50 UTC
Finally watched Firefly, almost a year later. Thanks for this. I think Kaylee would really impress Scotty with her knowledge and he'd love someone who'd care for his ship as much as he does.


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