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be_themoon December 29 2009, 19:44:35 UTC
Doctor Who, Rose/Bad Wolf, there was a sort of singing


alder_knight December 31 2009, 19:49:49 UTC
There was a moment of quiet shock, and then suddenly everything was light, and her mind exploded with pulsing white noise, and from that noise came a keening sort of moan.

Distantly, she felt the wet of hot tears pouring from her eyes, as blinding light poured with them, but it was the haunting notes of the amelodic wail that exploded most viciously within her consciousness, heralding the consummate unfurling of the time vortex before her, around her, within her.

The wail broke off only for a moment as she choked, "The Bad Wolf... She comes, Doctor," and it was then that she realized the noise was a howl, and it came from Rose herself.


be_themoon January 1 2010, 16:17:28 UTC
oh my god, yes yes yes. yes! this is fabulous, thank you so much. she comes! wheeee!


alder_knight January 1 2010, 21:50:58 UTC

I am glad you like it!


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