Title: Prattle Pairing: Sirius/Lily Word Count: 156 Summary: Sirius is at once annoying and affectionate... much to Lily's chagrin. Author's Note: Dialogue fic written for nosmutforyou's "Pairing Justification Challenge".
They are a lovely lovely pairing, but I find it hard to read and to enjoy them fully, because there is always a little James tugging at the corner of my mind, telling me that she belongs to him. *sighs* Canon will do that to you I suppose.
The drabble itself was obviously fantastic, I love their banter.
Yeah I'm kind of the same way. But I enjoy them as much as I enjoy James/Lily. I sort of ship all of the Marauders together in different forms, because it's an excuse to write them in different awkward situations. xD
I can ship James, Sirius and Remus around in any possible constellation, but Peter is sort of the odd one out. Very much like cookie, chocolate, cake, spinache. The spinache just doesn't fit in, and poor Peter is definitely the spinache ^^
I've just realised that I don't mind at all if James is cheating on Lily, I just can't have Lily cheating on James. I wonder what that says about me. *blinks*
haha yeah I just can't picture Peter romantically involved with anyone either. =P I like to write him as a part of the Marauders, but help me God if I have to write him romantically!
Comments 11
Canon will do that to you I suppose.
The drabble itself was obviously fantastic, I love their banter.
I've just realised that I don't mind at all if James is cheating on Lily, I just can't have Lily cheating on James. I wonder what that says about me. *blinks*
And that is interesting. haha
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