
Mar 29, 2010 21:33

*it's the middle of the night. suddenly there is a loud ringing noise! and a gorilla is forcibly removing you from the warmth of your bed and tossing you out into the cold! maybe it is raining.*

Huh. So that's what that switch does.

(fire alarm fire alarm fire alarm! the doors are locked to people trying to get back in. it's not safe!!1 edit back ( Read more... )

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Comments 356

moefortono March 30 2010, 13:27:00 UTC
[jhgdsf gorillas are so much bigger than me.] L-Let me go!


wetfortono March 30 2010, 13:43:41 UTC


moefortono March 30 2010, 13:55:09 UTC
Ryuu-san -- [S-sob, dropped in a puddle.]


wetfortono March 30 2010, 14:02:34 UTC
[... oh, girl. lending you a hand there] Ruffians.


deschainofka March 30 2010, 16:11:14 UTC
[Yay for shirtlessness in March! He hardly seems to notice, mind. As soon as he's buckled on the gunbelts he's holding in one hand, he'll be fine. BECAUSE HE IS MAN]

[...buckling gunbelts and dodging gorillas at the same time isn't easy. Even for Roland]

What is it? What's happening?


pinged4treasure March 30 2010, 16:15:01 UTC
*aw crap why do people take this so seriously? D:*

Ah! Um, nothing's happening! It's a false alarm!


deschainofka March 30 2010, 16:24:38 UTC

[Relaxing very very slightly, finishing buckling his belts]

...What happened?


pinged4treasure March 30 2010, 16:26:13 UTC
Um... Nothing!

*this. this is a nervous smile.*


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pinged4treasure March 30 2010, 17:00:12 UTC
Genta! Are you okay?


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pinged4treasure March 30 2010, 17:06:11 UTC
C'mon, put him down! Get off of him, you jerk! *really trying to help*


saphoftehjungle March 30 2010, 17:04:39 UTC
*and over here, there's a little girl wailing on a rather stoic-looking gorilla he's pretending that it doesn't hurt, but it really really does*


pinged4treasure March 30 2010, 17:06:45 UTC

Hey, Sapphire. You need help?


saphoftehjungle March 30 2010, 17:18:32 UTC
*clap her hands "that's that"* I think he's starting to learn his lesson.

Stupid gorilla.


pinged4treasure March 30 2010, 17:21:44 UTC
I knew you could take one of these guys!


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