OTP Rumble 2017 - Sign Ups

Feb 07, 2017 19:22

We've probably all heard the saying; love will always win. It's time to put that theory
to the test as we put our most frustrating and fantastic OTPs through
the wringer in the name of love. That's right. It's the shipping wars!
■  Sign ups will remain open until the end of Round 01 (February 17)
■  There will be four rounds total
■  Rounds will last a full week from Friday to Friday
■  Voting will last from Saturday to end-of-day Monday.

■  A rumble is like a non-elimination LIMS challenge. Participants will submit one icon per round with the goal of earning as many points possible through their use of the themes and how well that icon does during the voting stage. Points are accumulated over the course of the contest (four rounds in this case), and the participant with the highest total of points by the end is the winner!

■   All official media types are permitted. No fan works, please!
■   Please keep your submissions Safe For Work.
■   Please keep your Rumble Identity private until the contest is completely over.
■   Icons submitted for this challenge must not be shared for the duration of the challenge.
■   Do not ask others to vote for your icons, or use a dummy account to vote multiple times.
■   When signing up, include the phrase “worth fighting for” to prove that you've read the rules.

Earn extra points before Round 01 even begins!

 Use the code below to promote the challenge. Doing so will earn you +1 point per plug (up to three times). Comment to this thread to claim your points!
http://calendarsquares.livejournal.com/208523.html#t1989259" target="_blank">http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b631/calendarsquares/Events/otprumble-vday2017_zpsberhvroj.png" width="350" />
http://calendarsquares.livejournal.com/208523.html">SIGN UP AT CALENDARSQUARES

Submit icons for our Color Challenge of the Month to recieve +2 points per icon (up to a total of four icons). Please include your Rumble Identity with your submission(s).

Participants may claim prizes at
tcg_exchange for this competition once it is completely over.

Submissions: 2 Random Cards (per round)
Voting: 1 Random Card (per round)
Winning People's Choice: 1 Rank B Certificate prize (can only be claimed at the end of the challenge).
Placing in the Top 5: 2 Random Cards

■   All participants will receive a participation banner at the end of the Rumble, and of course, their secret identity icon.
■   The top five places will receive a winners banner.
■   The first place winner will receive a custom banner and their choice of a new userhead OR 5 additional userpics.

Sign up by selecting one of your favorite OTPs to be used as your Rumble ID. Please note that you do not need to icon your Rumble ID pairing for the challenge.

■   Please include a screencap or scan with both characters if possible. If they don't get a lot of screentime together, you can link me to one of each character instead.
■   Please be sure pick a screencap or scan with negative space around the characters so that they're not cut off (like this).
■   You may substitute the names of the characters with their official (or unofficial) OTP name if you prefer.

■   Fill out this form in order to join!
Graphics Journal: (optional)
Identity Choice 01: Character Name
Identity Choice 02: Character Name
Password: (read the rules)


-rumble, -icon challenge

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