Sherlock Series 2 Finale time, the last bit. Eeep!
CONTENT WARNING: Scenes in this episode (and images and discussion in this post) may be very triggery or disturbing for some, so please tread carefully.
Picspam Reaction for Sherlock Series 2 Episode 3
PART ONE PART TWOPART THREE - "The Reichenbach Fall"
-Oh dear. They're going to show up on the reporter's doorstep chained together and asking questions? That's going to make a great photo for the front page. Or is Rich Brook actually Moriarty and she's about to become a loose end that needs snipped off, one with a handy recording of Sherlock saying "You repel me" to add gilt to the framing. Hmmm.
-"Too late to go on the record?" Heeehehehehehehehehehe. Not her doorstep then. Wise.
-[Ha. Ha. Ha. And, just to be extra subtle and subliminal, WHAT DOES THE WRITING ON THE WALL AT THE REPORTER'S FLAT SAY??
I only caught what it said on the second pass-though. Oh so very cute. *slow clap* :-D]
-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!! It's a bad habit Moriarty has, hooking up with people who can get him what he wants. \o/
-HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! And this could be Moriarty's 'oh shit' face.
-"You said that they wouldn't find me here, you said that I'd be safe here." Ahahahahaha. He's playing the .... What's the name for a male damsel-in-distress? Anyway, he's doing that, and she's all over it.
-"Of course he's Richard Brook, there is no Moriarty." Oh this should be good. He's told her stuff about being Moriarty, as though he'd acted it out. This could be interesting indeed.
-I don't know if appealing to John's gentle nature is going to work for you, dude. Except he doesn't want it to work, does he? He wants John to look as dangerous and insane as Sherlock does to the reporter. ...or he really is trying to get John to doubt Sherlock? Oooo.
-This is John Watson, not buying your crap.
-"We've met, remember? You were gonna blow me up!" Yeah, that's a kind of memorable first meeting that.
-"He paid me." *nods* He's trying to get John to doubt.
-"You'd better explain, because I am not getting this." And, microscopically, he doubts. Enough to ask for an explanation. Oh John.
-"Invented all the crimes actually, and to cap it all he made up a master villain." Hang on John. You can weather the bullshit. Just hang on. D-:
-"And you paid him to take the rap. Promised you'd rig the jury." And the key thing to break into the private hotel room signal is now in your flat, waiting to be found by someone who knows what it is. It is a very thorough framing job. There must be a hole somewhere.
-"Moriarty's an actor? *headshake*" Hang in there John. I suspect there will be further 'proof' inbound.
-While it's still paused... You all know Moriarty did this whole scam here with being an actor just to shake John's faith, right? The rest of the world will believe whatever the paper says and doesn't get too picky about sources, but this little confrontation was orchestrated and is crafted specifically to separate John Watson from his trust in Sherlock Holmes. Because it would take a whole hell of a lot more than rumour and assumption and untested lies to do that. Hang on, John.
I see you.
Bwahahaha. Sorry.
-Pft. He could get himself listed in a talent agency. He could own the agency. Or a talent agent who once asked for a favour. Or he could have done it himself. Moriarty's a good enough actor to rate on his own, a job here or there, a walk-on, a couple days. Once he's on the roster it's an easy enough cover to be an out-of-work actor. (I would laugh like crazy if that's an actual role Andrew Scott has had, though.)
-"It's on DVD!" So's my Grad ceremony and my College film studies project. Sort of. It could be. Anyway, that doesn't prove much because I'm not a criminal mastermind. Or am I...? Hah. No. I wouldn't have the time.
-Hang on, John! You can stand in the face of overwhelming bullshit! Seriously, his CV uses underscores instead of dashes! You have to know that's not right!!
-And Sherlock and Moriarty are the only ones who know the truth, Moriarty has set up an elaborate bullshit storm and under the onslaught, what Sherlock says won't matter to two of the other people in the room. I don't know if him saying anything would help John hang on or not at this point.
-And the desperate panicky flailing and cringing is all adding to the bullshit. John, hang on. Do not make me want to shake sense into you.
-"Stop it! Now!" Oh Sherlock. *flaaaaaaailing*
-"Don't let him get away!" JOHN! It's not over yet, but that's a reassuring vote of confidence there! \o/
-"You repel me." Wait for it honey. You'll be either dead or kicking yourself in a while. I'd say you should go hang out with Molly, but Molly deserves better. You did come up with that sexual harrasment entrapment in the toilet business on your own... or did you...? Hmm.
-John made it through! YAY! OMG, I was actually freaking out a little there that he might not. O.O
-"There's only one thing he needs to do to complete his game and that's to-" Oh crap. That's not a good '-' at all is it, Sherlock. O.O
-"There's something I need to do."/"Can I help?"/"No, on my own." Yeah, like that works so well, ever. *facepalm* Although it may help them evade the search. If they're looking for two men chained together, one shortish, blond and cuddly, the other tall, narrow and manic, separating may in fact help them. But still, not good. *whimper*
-John's kind of stuck, isn't he. They both are. The police are still after them. Cabs and busses will have a notice or something sent to drivers, maybe, not worth the risk. At this point, John and Sherlock's best option is stealing a car. Or two cars. It's not like they can get in much more trouble.
-"You're wrong you know." Oh sure, frighten the lights out of Molly to tell her she's wrong. Very glad you weren't Moriarty come to tie off a loose end, though. O.O
-"You do count. You've always counted and I've always trusted you." Okay, you can tell her she's wrong about that. Especially with the little breaks in the voice and the, the.... *OMG FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL!*
-"I'm not okay."/"Tell me what's wrong." MOLLY!!!!! \o/ Admittedly, she probably hasn't heard about the arrest or the business with the gun or escaping or manhunt or anything since she's been stuck in the morgue the whole time, but MOLLYYYYY!!!!! \o/
-"Molly, I think I'm going to die."/"What do you need?"/"If I wasn't everything that you think I am, everything that I think I am, would you still want to help me?"/"What do you need?" SO. MUCH. GODDAMN FLAILING. I CAN'T EVEN. MOLLY IS AWESOME, YOU GUYS!!!
-"She has really done her homework." YEEEEEEEEEEEES! JOHN TAPS MYCROFT FOR THE WIN! \o/ Oh I hope this doesn't make things worse. It could if Moriarty's gotten into Mycroft's systems. With his universal code key thing. Eeep...
-"Have you seen your brother's address book lately? Two names, yours and mine, and Moriarty didn't get this stuff from me." OHHHHHH! Oh wow, yeah, yikes, holy crap, JOHN! :-O
-Oooooohooohoooo, John flat out accusing Mycroft of working with Moriarty, oh my god. Wow. I did not see that coming. JOHN IS MADE OF AWESOME AND BADASSERY!! \o/
-Oh and Mycroft just swallowed. Like nerves or something. OH MYCROFT, SAY IT AIN'T SO!
-"I never inten- I never dreamt-" *jawdrop* NO. WAY. MYCROFT!? WHAT THE HELL, MYCROFT!? :-O
-"'Watch his back, because I've made a mistake.'" Ooooooooooooo! O.O
-"We know about them. We watch them. But James Moriarty..." Mycroft, you sucker. I was wondering how Moriarty had passed Irene info on how to play BOTH Holmes brothers. Well. Here we are. Holy freaking crap.
-Right, anyone reading this who isn't familiar with ACD canon stories, (and I know there's a couple of you out there)? To my far from encyclopedic knowledge, THIS IS NEW. In case you were wondering. Like OMG HOLY FUCKING SHIT new. [Although in retrospect, it might be part of something not-new... *ponders*] The only reason my jaw is not still dropped is because I keep inhaling floating cat hair and choking. O.O
-"Interrogated him for weeks." Ahhhh, and that's what was going on at the end of Hound. And that's pretty darn solid proof the guy wasn't an actor.
-"In return you had to offer him Sherlock's life story." All I have right now is WOW. Because, seriously. WOW. And it's not a disbelieving WOW, it's a WOW that, yeah, this Mycroft, I can believe he might. That key code, something that dangerous, he might sell out family to secure it, gain access to it, maybe.... I wonder if its existence and a note that Moriarty had it was information found on Irene's phone. Or planted on her phone. Making Irene's turnover of the phone and its information - whether by her winning and getting her demands in exchange for the unlock code, or by Sherlock getting the code and turning it over - all part of this plan of Moriarty's which is in progress now. The timelines match up... *ponders*
-"One big lie, 'Sherlock's a fraud', but people will swallow it because the rest of it's true." I'm still stuck on wow here (and also WOW on John figuring it out and going after Mycroft himself), but I had to cap this face. Hee!
-"Moriarty wanted Sherlock destroyed, and you have given him the perfect ammunition." Oh I wouldn't be surprised if the Diogenes Club was about to get quite loud. Or he'll just Leave Mycroft to stew with that, and let him mobilize to fix the damage he's done.
-"I'm sorry." Say it to Sherlock, dude. And fix your mistake.
-"Tell him, would you?" Chiiiiickeeeen. Chicken Mycroft! And John walks away.
-Oh. Oh hang on. OH MY GOD. Did they-? Is this-? OH MY GOD, IT COULD BE. But the whole destruction of- How-? AAAAAH! Now I'm really not sure, in view of Reichenbach, how much of this might have been planned and deliberate and... Okay, this episode is going to need a whole hell of a lot more brain than I have right now. Oh. My. GOD. :-O
-Bouncy ball! Hee!
-"He used it to create a false identity." *facepalm* of course he did. Though the idea of Moriarty playing bit parts on stage and screen in between world-shaking evil deeds was oddly enthralling.
-"What did he touch?"/"An apple, nothing else." *facepalm* You idiot. It's the clasp-knife. It's about the size of a thumb drive, and I know that there are Swiss Army jackknives with USB drives built in in existence [
See?]. I'm rather irked that I didn't even think of it until now myself though, so not going to give the boys too much grief over missing the possibility.
-Or he could have been tapping his fingers in binary. That too. Could be the binary is the password for the USB drive?
-OH CRAP. NO, NONONONO. Something without cement at the bottom, okay? Something somehow survivable? How about a nice bouncy castle? OMG I knew that goddamn giant wall of Bart's looked ominous! I said so! They've been foreshadowing, the bastards! O.O
-See? That damn thing is way too high and there's no big pool to fall into or anything. Seriously, bouncy castle?
-"Paramedics, Mrs. Hudson's been shot." Ah, yes. Oh John. Oh John, you have no idea. ...Absolutely no idea, considering the police are still searching for you and the likelihood that the paramedics would call you when there's a manhunt on is minimal, unless they're pulling you in to be captured by police. Oh John.
-"Probably one of the killers you manage to attract." Yeah, swallow a big lie with enough truth around it.
-"She's dying, Sherlock, let's go."/"You go, I'm busy." Heh. And now the last words John says to you before you go do this thing will be very very loud hurty ones.
-I believe this could be termed John Watson's 'Oh no you didn't' face? XD
-"She's dying, you machine-!" Yep. Loud hurty words. Oh John. You have no idea.
-"Alone is what I have, alone protects me." Oh. Oh Sherlock. *flail*
-"Nope. Friends protect people." Oh John. You- Just- That's what he's DOING you twonk! He's protecting you by getting you to go away because that's- Aaarg! Flailing too hard to type!
-Pffft. Stayin' Alive. Heheh.
-"It's just-" *flat line in the air* Ah. The final problem is boredom? What to do when you've thwarted and outsmarted all the things and are left with drudgery and administrating a criminal empire that's just not fun anymore? Or how to keep yourself occupied when you've broken all your cool toys?
-"You were the best distraction and now I don't even have you, because I've beaten you." Well, that's what happens when you break your toys, sweetie. Or play all the levels on a video game. Or think you have. Or use cheat codes.
-"Did you almost start to wonder if I was real? Did I nearly get ya?" Ahahahh. Moriarty was out to mess with Sherlock's mind as much as try to get John to doubt. But Sherlock's just been out in Dartmoor having his suggestibility messed with by neurotoxins. It'll take more than a sham actor to mess with his sense of reality. Same goes for John. (And is Moriarty wearing the skull tie again? Aw, it's his showdown tie! \o/)
-"Rich Brook in German is Reichenbach." ...*HEADDESK* I CANNOT BELIEVE I MISSED THAT. Oh. My. God.
-Finger signals, what the hell are you up to, Sherlock? Unless you've got your back to a CCTV camera which is possible, and you're signaling Mycroft, because this whole thing including telling Moriarty your life history was part of the plan. Right? Maybe? I kind of hope, because I'd like to think that Mycroft might not be quite so cavalier with endangering your life. Except he has and did, and likely will again.
-"Hidden inside my head." Well, fine. The jackknife USB would have rocked too. *kicks things stroppily* Ridiculously simple code if it can be communicated in that length of time by finger tapping. Definitely a universal security leak to get plugged ASAP, because that's just nuts. O.o
-"I can kill Rich Brook and bring back Moriarty." And Jim goes all pouty, because he's got something else in mind.
-"There is no key, DOOFUS!" Ahahaha. Ha. Wait, what? (Although this does make the ridiculously simple code he passed far more credible as a plot device if it doesn't do anything.)
-"I'm disappointed!" Aww, poor Jim, his toy has started playing with him and he hasn't figured it out yet. Or at least I think he has.
-Ahahahaha! He had people on the inside everywhere. MINION POWER! \o/
-"That's your weakness; you always want things to be clever. Now shall we finish the game?" Heh heh heh. Okay, I don't know who's being played by who right now, but it's a hell of a lot of fun.
-"Do- do- do what?" Don't over-play it Sherlock, you'll show your hand. Subtle. Work on that.
-"My suicide." That would be the uh, yeah. Where Moriarty's plan has been leading. Life destroyed, no allies, isolated and rejected, discredited in everything you pin your self-esteem to, yeah. And Iiiiii'm suddenly getting nervous. I know how canon Reichenbach goes, everyone does just about, and I'm sure they'll follow canon because Moffat and Gatiss are epic-level fanboys, but there's a lot of room for masses of ow around canon, and room for crisises of sanity. I think he's playing with Moriarty here. I'm pretty certain he's going to turn around and do the big show-off thing and piss Moriarty right off. But I know canon. And there's something that either happened off-screen, or hasn't happened yet, aside from their game. And it's going to hurt like thunder.
-Yes, John you turnip, Mrs. Hudson is fine and Sherlock's done it to you again, got you to go off so he can face Moriarty alone. Only this time you aren't there strapped to a bomb to back his fool ass up. And you won't be. *anticipatory wibble*
-"No, no, no, Police! Sort of!" Well, hollering 'fugitive!' wouldn't have nearly as much impact, would it?
-"I can still prove that you created an entirely false identity."/"Oh just kill yourself, it's a lot less effort." BWAH! Sorry, that- hee!
-And the thing is, if Sherlock just drops Moriarty off the edge right now, he's dropping Rich Brook, the guy who "outed him as a fraud". And it wouldn't help at all.
-"You're insane."/"You're just getting that now?" HA!!! XD
-Oh crap snipers. "Your friends will die if you don't."/"John."/"Not just John, everyone." Uh hunh. Was waiting for something like that too.
-And Sherlock admits that Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade are his friends too. Awww. I should not be having a happy warm glow right now considering what's going on, but I do.
-"Nothing's going to prevent them from pulling the trigger. Your only three friends in the world will die." ...Okay, getting nervous now, waiting for the show-off to pop out.... but that's not happening, is it? I'm quite glad I know the ACD canon stories, because otherwise at this point I would be freaking out so fucking hard. At the same time I kind of wish I didn't know the ACD canon stories because I would be freaking out so fucking hard. O.O
-"I told you how this ends." FFFFFFFFFFFFFF- O.O
-"One moment of privacy. Please?" Oh god. Here it comes.
-Ooooor not. Or at least not the it I'd thought. Sherlock, what the blazing hell are you up to?
-"'You're not going to do it.' So the killers can be called off." OMG Yay! It's show-off time! \o/
-"I don't have to die, if I've got you." Heee! Faces! Why look! It's the look of surprise! Cherish it Sherlock! Cherish iiiiiit!
-"Yes, but I'm not my brother, remember?" *bouncing with glee*
-"I am you." *shivers through the speech* Oooooo.... O.O
-"You're ordinary, you're on the side of the angels." Heh. Ask your cabbie minion about that when you see him next.
-"I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second that I am one of them." EEEEEEE! ALSO EEEEEP! ALSO *FLAIL* O.O
-Heh. Brief flappy-wing sounds in the soundtrack right there after the bit about angels. It's like they want Supernatural crossovers! XD
-"You're not ordinary. You're me." Hehe. Yep. Moriarty's just a little obsessed.
-"Thank you, Sherlock Holmes." Shaking hands. Soundtrack going all doomy.Oh dear. Where's- ah. *hides under blanket*
-[...Although ...could be faked... I suppose. A dummy gun and a blood-bag with a squib at the back of the head. Sherlock didn't check too close there, which seems...odd. Either he felt he didn't need to because it was too obvious from his view that there was an actual head explosion, or he knows Moriarty isn't dead, which makes the rest of Sherlock's actions as much for Moriarty as they are for John and the snipers... but then if he though Moriarty was alive, we're back at getting him to stop the snipers. So hm. It bears a little pondering. Character-wise I totally believe Moriarty would kill himself if it came down to that being the only way to win vs. Sherlock, but given an option, he'd rather be alive to gloat. Chances at death come easy, chances to gloat over your arch-enemies corpse, not so much. But I really doubt Moffat and Gatiss would stray from the archetype that far, so yeah. Dead Moriarty. Even though it's feasible. Now returning to the incomprehensible flailing.]
-SO MUCH UNEXPECTED OH MY GOD WOW *FLAIL* AND and... oh shit. Sherlock's stuck. He's... Oh no. D-:
-Hi possibly-Moran! Oh crap.
-DAMNIT, I HAD A FUNNY FEELING THAT WORKMAN WAS UP TO NO GOOD. And he had such awesome tattoos. Darn.
-Oh ho, it's sleepy-eyed guy in the Met who's the assassin for Lestrade! In more positive news, Lestrade still has an office! And possibly an ulcer! And some isolation in darkness framing! But in his office! \o/
-I suppose searching the corpse would take too long, and any info gathered would be not much better than random guesswork. I mean it's nice when an adversary picks a guessable password or code phrase, or writes it down on a gum wrapper, but I doubt that would be the case here.
-Oh god. And John won't even know why, since they'll find Moriarty's corpse on the roof, Sherlock... where they find him, and not a single hint that any of them were in danger to make it make sense. Holy crap. No wonder John went back to Ella.
-Or Sherlock might tell him over the phone. Oh god. This is going to be so much harder to take than a three page note left with a walking stick by a waterfall in the Swiss Alps. D-:
-Sherlock's broken 'please' oh god.
-Oh god. I think what little comprehensibility I've had through this is about to go down the tubes.
-"An apology. It's all true."/"What?" Me and John were in stereo on that what, it was freaky. Seriously though, what? Why? No, no... right. *nods* Sherlock wants John not to follow him, or go after them all himself. But oh god, what a horrible thing to do. He's not just dying (or, you know *handwave*) he's trying to destroy the memory John has of him. Oh god. It's like Donna Noble all over again. A little. O.O
-"I invented Moriarty." Ya know, after hearing from Mycroft that he tortured the guy for ages, I really don't think John's going to believe that was just some weedy little actor.
-"I'm a fake!" Oh Sherlock. Oh god. And John's return to Ella suddenly has has a hell of a lot more fodder than an unexplained dual suicide. O.o
-"Tell anyone that will listen to you that I created Moriarty, for my own purposes." You know that hands-over-mouth thing John was doing in the lab in Hound when he thought it was after him? That's me right now. Probably for the rest of the episode.
-[Meant to note during this (but was to busy with the OMG) that I love that Sherlock lists Molly in with who to tell. His crappy treatment of her over the years has probably spared her a sniper, which would have been awkward, considering what favour I think he's asked her. Poor Molly, waiting somewhere inside Bart's to sign a death certificate and become one of Sherlock's secret-keepers until he resurfaces, unless they have a way to trick her too. Poor Molly.]
-"Okay, shut up, Sherlock. Shut up. The first time we met, the first time we met, you knew all about my sister, right?" *FLAILING AND WIBBLES* because in the face of being directly told otherwise by the only person whose word has mattered to him, John will not doubt and will not give up his trust.
-"Nobody could be that clever."/"You could." Oh god. And he has to break everything he's done down with John and discredit it, to keep him from going after Moriarty's organization, and to keep him safe, and by association, everyone else. He's got to break John's trust and belief himself. Oh god.
-Tears dripping off his chin onto the scarf, oh god.
-"I researched you." And then John, the face... *incomprehensible hand mumbling and flapping*
-[But reeeeally, you know, if Sherlock had actually researched John, he'd totally have known 'Harry' was a sister, wouldn't he, hm? SO VERY BUSTED, SHERLOCK! ;-D Except John's too broken right now to catch it and nail him for it. I wasn't exactly thinking analytically when I first watched this scene through either. *re-wibble*]
-"It's a trick, just a magic trick."/"No." And he still believes. And Sherlock has to keep trying to break that belief. Oh John. Oh Sherlock. Oh boys.
-And John's got his eyes closed as he's on the phone, and I'm thinking it's because he can't look up at Sherlock on the ledge anymore, he doesn't want any of this to be real, what he's seeing or what Sherlock is saying, and anything he can do to make it less real... Oh John.
-"Alright, stop it now!"
-"Keep your eyes fixed on me!" Oh, because John could see the sniper? And if he sees the sniper, that's the end of him and all Sherlock's attempts to save him. And even if he did escape, Lestrade and Mrs. Hudson would be dead because once cover is blown, there's no stopping them whether Sherlock jumps or not. So Sherlock has to keep him from looking anywhere but the roof. Even though he's asking- He's making John watch as he- *more incomprehensible mumbling and flapping*
-"This phone call, it's erm. It's my note." Oh god. *canon reference fist-pump of extreme incomprehensible sadness*
-"It's what people do, don't they? Leave a note?"/"Leave a note when?" Oh John, you aren't that thick. It's another thing Sherlock's telling you that you don't want to believe.
-All I can do is cap.
*indrawnbreaththroughteeth* Sonofabitch. O.O
FUCKING OW! OKAY. HOW THE FUCK DO-! BUT HE'S-! WELL SHIT! *hands clamped over mouth*
-Ooo, that was a hell of a whack on the cement he took, almost looks like he's bleeding from the ear. Unless that's just a shadow? [Nope. Shadow.]
-"I'm a doctor, let me come through please!" Are they going to have John confirm he's- And there are so many people around. What if-? Oh my god. HOW ARE THEY GOING TO DO THIS!? *flappy hand and muffled noises everywhere*
-Yiiikes. ... is the hair wrong? *eyes suspiciously*
-"He's my friend!" Oh god, Joooohn. *flappy flappy haaaaands*
-Okay, get guy in suit with stethoscope the hell away, because YOU DO NOT DO A SHAKE AND SHOUT ON SOMEONE WHO HAS MASSES OF BROKEN BONES AND POSSIBLY SPINAL INJURIES!!! Unless he's rolling a body that isn't Sherlock so that John can't see it's not. Except now the hair looks closer to correct now. HOW ARE THEY GOING TO DO THIS!? O.O
-Stopping the pulse in an arm for a short while is a simple trick, something under the arm [Heh heh heh. See details in following 'How' post, linked at the end], squeeze, blocks blood flow, no pulse in the hand so conveniently sticking out in grabbing range. But he still fell off the building. So. HOW!??
-"Please let me just-" OH JOOOOOOOOOHN!!! *ALL THE FLAILING*
-Oh god. HOW? HOW HOW HOW???
-...hang on. *flips back through caps* When he's falling, his shirt might be white. Now it's purple... Must look more closely later when I have a brain. [Inconclusive. But immaterial. ;-)]
-Oh John. Oh John. Because it doesn't matter that Sherlock's going to somehow still be alive and go out hunting Moriarty's organization without you. And that in a few years, you'll see him again. Because this is all very real right now for you, and will continue to be horrifically real until that time. Oh honey, you're having about the worst Reichenbach a Watson has ever had. D-: ...But then Sherlock'll come back and then you'll punch him in the face and feel a whole lot better and move on. But until then, OH JOHN FOREVER.
-So, John's a bit knocked in the head, didn't get really close, it's totally possible that- BUT SHERLOCK JUMPED OFF THE ROOF!! HOW-!?
-Well, shit. You better back off, sniper-guy. I'mma hurt you.
-Thaaat's it, Moran, or Random Sniper #1, or whatever your name is. Just pack up your crap and move along.
-Well, it's safe to assume Mycroft has heard about it then. But what is he doing about it? Or what did he do about it? *ponders*
-"The stuff you wanted to say, but didn't say it."/"Yeah." Bracing for another walloping influenced by canon.
-"Say it now." Oh the little distraught froggy throat noises, oh god.
-And sneaky, trolly, bastards Moffat and Gatiss, who have been spreading certain rumours apparently, making this final scene with Ella so that it feels like a final bookend for the entire two-series set, ending where Study in Pink started.
-"I can't go back to the flat again, not at the moment." *wibbles*
-"I'm angry."/"That's okay, John, there's nothing unusual in that that's the way he made everyone feel." *snerk* Awww. *wibble*
-*Mrs. Hudson unloads*/"Yeah, listen, I'm not actually that angry." Heee.
-How many fics have gone here? John at Sherlock's grave? Quite a few. Reichenbach and it's aftermath has been a great playground for fic. But now we have new canon.
-Here we go with the canon-influenced walloping. I think it might be transcribing time.
"You told me once that you weren't a hero. There were times I didn't even think you were human, but let me tell you this. You were the best man, ah, the most human human being that I've ever known, and no one will ever convince me that you told me a lie."
*fist-pump of sad canon referencing and EPIC CHEERS FOR JOHN* All that, telling him straight out to stop believing, jumping off a frigging building (HOW WILL THEY-?) no way. Not budging John's belief and trust. Moriarty never had a chance at convincing him of anything. He's John Watson, in a very long line of John Watsons, and Watsons are always true to their Holmes.
-I foresee many future icons being made of this scene.
-"I was so alone, and I owe you so much." *WIIIBBBBLES*
- Gaaaaaah, the little broken snuffly noises he makes, just gaaaaaahhh. *flails*
-"Oh please, there's just one more thing. One more thing. One more miracle, Sherlock, for me. Don't be dead. Would you do that? Just for me?" Oh John, honey. You're about the only person that request will actually work for. But you have to wait for it.
-"Just stop it, stop this!" Hee! Aw... *all the wibbles*
-Owwwwwwwww. *wibble*
-And John. Squaring off, walling up and soldiering on. Because that's what Watsons do too. *wibble*
-Yeeeeaaaaaaah! \o/ (BUT SERIOUSLY, HOW??? I need more brain. I must ponder. *ponder* [I have pondered, there will be a separate post on "HOW?" linked below shortly, even though I'm sure everyone must have it already figured out by now.])
Well, my theory for what Moffat and Gatiss would do with Reichenbach was totally wrong (even though my 'burn the heart' theory was close enough for victory arms, even if it was two episodes after I thought it might be), but WOW, I don't care because that was frigging intense.
If you, yes you, have actually made it through all three parts of this insanity, have a cookie. Have several. And some tea. And a shock blanket.
And my theory on
"How Sherlock Did It." And now, again, we wait for the next Series...