I'm listening to "come in from the cold" joni mitchell, I wish it was cold outside, and I could come in from it... but its not, its FUCKING BOILING!!! I'm dying
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how's this for something different: I've been waiting 7 hours for bev to get back to me onthe final changes for the inthemix mag ad - FAR OUT MAN!!! I wish I'd gone outside maybe once
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Rhiannon Sedowski Synnot died this morning. Bless her. My prayers go out to her Parents, Robyn and Sean, and her brothers and sisters, Harrison, Dylan, Riley and Zoi.
I CAN'T STOP EATING SOYA KINGS!!!! Ggrrrrr!! I knew I shouldn't have started, cuz once you start you can't stop, its a steady downhill process... I feel like I'm trying to digest a rock
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