Bookshelf pr0n...

Feb 25, 2015 00:37

I'm falling into bad habits and not posting again, and I told myself I'd do better! I'll see if I can find some more Pros-y snippets to post from the viewing notes - and I swear I'll try to write some more - but for now, a follow-up post to the post I made the other day. This is what I effectively designed the furnishing of my new place around... ( Read more... )

reading, somerset, real life, house

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Comments 28

siskiou February 25 2015, 02:19:14 UTC
I do believe you have more books than our little school library! :D

It looks very nice and I adore your bed spread!
And the LoS poster from your previous post.
Have you had a chance to watch any of the Pros episodes in all their restored glory, yet?

And hey, you bought a little greenhouse!
Mr. Siskiou brought one home in a box last week, and we hope to set it up this weekend.
How is your new home working out?
It looks so nice and cozy.


byslantedlight February 26 2015, 11:31:35 UTC
Hee! Not as many as I did have before I went to Australia, I gave loads to the charity shop too - and hated doing it!

I haven't actually got a blu-ray player, so I've not watched a single restored-ep from S2 - but I did get out my S2 restored dvds the other day, and randomly watched Stirring of Dust... I'll have to save my pennies again, I reckon... *g*

I did buy a wee greenhouse thingie! It stared at me from a shelf, reasonably cheaply, and I'd been thinking that some kind of shelves of plants could make all the fencing I look out at greener and more alive, so I thought I'd give it a go. And now of course we have wind and rain, so it's not up yet - I'd have to tie it to the fence I reckon! *g ( ... )


siskiou February 26 2015, 17:26:51 UTC
Strangely, we now also have rain, and the little greenhouse will have to wait.

We also have to go pick up some free firewood this weekend, which will take a while. We don't have a truck, so it's just our two little hatchback cars. Which will mean several trips.

That's annoying, with your cell connection! Would another provider work better in your area, or is it just generally a wasteland for mobile phones there?
Is there no landline in your annexe, either?

Are the restored Pros dvds the network ones? No, they can't be, because they haven't come out with the dvds for series 2 yet, right?
We also don't have a blu ray player, yet...


owned_by_a_cat February 25 2015, 09:04:22 UTC
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl can never have too many bookshelves... nice one!


caffyolay February 25 2015, 09:46:23 UTC
If this was Facebook I would 'like' this comment. :-D


ariss_tenoh February 25 2015, 21:21:24 UTC
Too true!


byslantedlight February 26 2015, 11:32:02 UTC
Love it! And such a truth... *g*


caffyolay February 25 2015, 09:45:36 UTC
I'm not surprised you love your bookshelves... they're WONDERFUL! I love them to bits and want to crawl inside ypur photos and browse and sit on the floor reading and investigating and and... *G* You must be so pleased.

I think I must've missed posts from you last week... half-term and grandkids here, followed by a rotten cold which I'm still trying to shake off. When I've got a moment I'll go back and check. Hope all is well with you though and that you're happy in your new location... both the house and the area... and that you're glad you made the move.


byslantedlight February 26 2015, 11:35:48 UTC
It's so nice to have bookshelves! Oh, and I love the idea of being able to crawl through photos to other people's houses and browse and sit on the floor reading, that's just wonderful!

Oh no that you have a cold again! Are you taking your zinc with your Vit. C?! Or maybe it's your gorgeous grandkids who need to... *g* Feel better soon though, and no worries about keeping up with posts - I'm a bit lost with it all myself these days, all these different venues to get behind on... *g*

And I am glad I made the move here! I do miss things from Cambs. - even just my view across to the fields, and remembering how they'd been so covered in wildflowers last summer - but it's nice to have my own place, and books, and bookshelves... *vbg*


miwahni February 25 2015, 10:33:51 UTC
I am in total awe of your bookshelves - mine are a higgledy piggledy mess with books encroaching into other spaces as well - I love the order of your shelves.


byslantedlight February 26 2015, 11:38:08 UTC
Hee! One of my favourite things is ordering my bookshelves - they're alphabetical for fiction... *g* But I hate that some books are too tall to fit the shelves, and I can't make the shelf just a bit taller even though other shelves are slightly too tall... so it'll feel a bit tatty to me until I can work that out... *g* I have books encroaching into other spaces too, though every now and then I try to put them away... but books are meant to encroach - they're more fun that way! *g*


solosundance February 25 2015, 11:26:19 UTC
Being surrounded by bookshelves is good for the soul I reckon!

Not sure if it's still true but at one time my SIL used to refuse to have any bookshelves in her house at all because she thought it made the place look boring and unhomely. It was a small house, true, and it wasn't as if she didn't ever read books herself, but she just didn't find them an attractive thing to have around. She thinks (and we get on fine!) that all ours just take up space and gather dust :D


byslantedlight February 26 2015, 11:40:10 UTC
Being surrounded by bookshelves is good for the soul I reckon!
Yes! Definitely good for my soul, anyway - I don't really feel right until I can see a bookshelf somewhere... my favourite pubs and restaurants are the ones with bookshelves in, even when they're just for show... *g*

Oh, and eep and eep and thrice eep about your SIL! I'm sure she's lovely in many ways, but... there's just something not right about her! Books make every place look more homely - how can that not be true?!


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