The Doll Shop [5/?]

Feb 28, 2008 17:28

Title: The Doll Shop
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG- 13
Disclaimer: Frankie and Gee are their own people, i don't know them, so obviously i can't own them. This Story line is one of my own creation.
Warnings: Swearing.
Summary: Frank has been an outcast ever since he started high-school. No matter how many times he tried to make friends he was laughed at and told to get lost. When a piece of paper is slipped into his locker, he expects it to be another threat, but finds it to be something totally unexpected, something that would change is life forever. Instructions to
The Doll Shop.

Frank’s sides hurt.
A lot.
And it was entirely Gerard’s fault.

Wiping tears from his eyes Frank desperately tried to catch his breathe.
It wasn’t fair, why he was the one that was almost in tears listening to Gerard’s stories when Gerard was just sitting there, smiling angelically, as tears streamed down Frank’s face.

He tried to pout, but failed miserably as small fits of laughter continued to bubble from deep within his chest.

“It’s..” He gasped for breathe, “Not…fair!”

Gerard grinned devilishly at him.

How a man could look so angelic one moment then devilish the next was beyond him, but somehow Gerard was able to pull it off.

“What’s not fair?”

Frank tried and failed to glare at the pale boy before him.

“You’re causing me to laugh so hard that I’m crying, and all you’re doing is just sitting there, making me laugh even more so my coffee goes cold!”

Gerard flushed slightly.

Frank wiped away a few more tears.

“Uh, yeah, about your coffee…”

Frank stopped laughing instantly and his hand stilled against his cheek.

He looked down at the Styrofoam cup before him and then back up to Gerard. The pale boy’s hair hung in front of his face, as he fiddled with his own cup.
Even though Frank had only known Gerard for a total of two hours and 27 minutes, (not that he was counting), Frank could tell he was nervous.

“What about my coffee?”

Gerard just shook his head.

Frank frowned and reached for his coffee.

Cool Styrofoam met his questing fingers and he slowly lifted, expecting to feel the slight heaviness that indicated that the cup was still full.

His eyes grew wide in shock as the cup lifted too easily off the table top.

He gaped at Gerard as an evil little smirk flickered into existence as the boy looked up at Frank’s shocked expression.


Said boy had the courtesy to flush and look down

“I’m sorry, Frankie, but you weren’t drinking it, and it was getting cold, and I just felt so sorry for it! Just sitting there, looking so lonely, and going to waste!” He was starting to get really worked up.

Frank’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

Gerard looked up at Frank through his eyelashes.
Suppressed laughter caused them to twinkle.

“Gerard, I’m going to kill you!”

Gerard pouted noticeably and Frank was half tempted to lean across the table and claim those pouty lips… he shook his head and turned back to the pale boy.

“You wouldn’t really, would you Fwankie?”

Frank glared at the boy.
“I’m not sure, seeing as you just drank ALL of my coffee!”

Gerard looked down at his coffee cup again, unconsciously ripping the Styrofoam to shreds.
He didn’t know that Frank would get so mad…

“I- uh- Oh, I’m really sorry Frankie, I didn’t know that you would be so mad, I could uh- I could- I could get you a new one if you really wanted. I’m really sorry Frank.”

Frank instantly stopped teasing the boy in front of him.
He looked so lost!

“Gerard, stop, I’m kidding.”

The pale Doll continued to shred the defenseless Styrofoam.

“Bumble Bee…”

Gerard’s fine hands stopped shredding, but he still wouldn’t look at the small boy before him.

Frank reached out and tilted Gerard’s face, a hitch of breathe was all that escaped small pouty lips as Frank gently pressed his to a cold cheek.

“I forgive you Gee.”

Hazel eyes looked at him in wonder.

“You’re not going to kill me then?”

Frank chuckled and dropped his hand.

Gerard’s face felt instantly colder at the loss of Frank’s touch.

“No Gee, I’m not going to kill you, it’s too hard to hide bodies these days, and do you have any idea how hard it is to get blood out of denim?”

His eyes flashed merrily.

Gerard laughed.
“You know, I have no idea! Is it really as hard as they say it is? I mean, personally I would go for asphyxiation, less blood and so much easier to cover up. Don’t you think?”

Frank’s laughter filled the Coffee house, earning them a few glares in their direction, but for the first time, ever, Frank just didn’t care.

“You know you’re completely right of course, I just seem to get this buzz when I see their blood…” Frank stopped himself before he could go any further.

They would not be discussing his… uh weaknesses, in a coffee house, actually they would not be discussing his “weaknesses” ever!

Gerard smirked at the incomplete sentence, quickly catching onto the hidden meaning.
He arched an eyebrow in Frank’s direction.

Frank swore profusely and looked down putting any sailor to shame as he continued to swear under his breath.

He heard Gerard chuckle.

Curse Gerard and his smartness.

He felt a blush colour his cheeks, but he was determined to not act like a blushing school girl in front of Gerard.
Looking back up into Hazel eyes, Frank grinned.

Gerard’s face twisted into a look of confusion at the sudden change in Frank.
A small crease formed between his eyes, and his head tilted slightly.


Frank’s smile grew even further.

“What Frankie, tell me!”

Frank pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh at the desperation in Gerard’s voice.

“I’m not going to tell you just yet, it’s a surprise.”

Frank almost reached over and kissed Gerard’s lips as the pale boy pouted.

“N’aww don’t be like that Bumble Bee!”

Gerard frowned.

“Not a Bumble Bee…”

Frank giggled.

“You so are a Bumble- Bee.”

Gerard opened his mouth to protest but Frank cut across.

“Gee you wear sunglasses that make you look like an insect,” Gerard’s eyes widened and Frank hastily added, “A good looking insect not a bad looking insect!”

Frank watched as the pale boy relaxed slightly.

“So seeing as you look like an insect, I decided that Bumble Bee suits you. And just remember, you’re not just any Bumble Bee Gerard, you’re my Bumble Bee.”

A flush crept into Gerard’s pale skin at Frank’s words.

He was Frankie’s Bumble Bee.
Why did that make him feel so happy?

He shook his head.
Not going to analyse these feelings.
Not going to analyse these feelings…

“Now, buy me a new coffee.”

Frank’s demand cut across Gerard’s attempts at trying to avoid the inevitable and pushed him towards the counter. It was a welcome distraction, choosing new drinks, until he felt Frank’s hand in his.

“Grab it to go.”

Gerard looked down at him, eyebrow arched in a silent question.

Frank clicked his tongue against his teeth.

“Just grab the damn coffee Gee, and let me do what I want to do.”

Gerard flushed.
He would not think…
Not think..

“Fuck.” He cursed.

He’d thought.


“What is with your strange obsession with Sour Straps?”

Gerard arched an eyebrow as he watched Frank greedily rip one of the sour straps in half and chew on it with a look of contentment.
They were sitting in a deserted tree house. One of the ones made for playgrounds. The roof was green and covered in Graffiti.
Frank had insisted on stopping at the supermarket on their way here, telling Gerard that he couldn’t have coffee and then not have Sour Straps.
It was tradition! He explained.

“They’re not just any Sour Straps Gee, they’re Blue Sour Straps!”

Gerard just stared blankly at him.

Frank stopped chewing and stared at the confused boy.

“You’ve never had Blue Sour Straps?!?”

The pale boy shook his head.

Frank’s eyes widened to intense proportions before he grabbed one of the unnatural coloured things and thrust it towards Gerard.


Gerard tentatively took the sugar coated sweet from the sugar stimulated boy and watched as Frank bit into another one.

“Are you sure these are… safe?”

Frank laughed.

“About as safe as coffee! Don’t let the colour fool you, these Blue Raspberry Straps are the shit.”

Blue Raspberry Gerard mouthed.
How the fuck do you get Blue Raspberry!

Frank giggled at Gerard’s expression.

“Come on! Eat it! It won’t kill you. See look at me!” He spread his arms wide for inspection.

“No you’re right they won’t kill me, they’ll just leave permanent damage, like they have with you. Stunt your growth and caused you to have way too much energy!”

Frank pouted at Gerard’s words.

“It’s not my fault I’m so little.”

Gerard giggled.

“I know. Sorry.”

Frank smiled.

“It’s alright, I forgive you!”

He bit into another strap and stared expectantly at Gerard.

Gerard sighed.
If he died, at least he would die happy.

He closed his eyes and slowly raised the sweet to his lips.

Without allowing himself to talk himself out of eating it, Gerard quickly bit into the flesh of the unappealing sweet.

He could feel the strap changing as he chewed on it.
The strange colour of Frank’s obsession contradicted the taste of it.
It was actually really good!

Who ever thought of Blue Raspberry was a fucking genius!

Gerard grinned at Frank.

“Not bad.”

Frank’s smile was beautiful at hearing Gerard’s words.

“See, I told you!”

Gerard nodded and reached for another strap.

“Yeah you told me.”


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Chapter Six

frerad, the doll shop story

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