Tutorial #1

Jan 17, 2013 07:49

A tutorial requested by rebel


Let's start with this cap. Because Fight Club needs to be iconed all the time and also smoking Tyler Durden.

Since the quality of the cap is so mehh-y, I've resized it to the minimum.

And because I don't remember the exact Curves settings that I used for lighting up the cap, I'm going to cheat (I know you will appreciate it, because you are a ~rebel :3). Go to Image > Adjustments > Match Color. Then I set the Source to my already finished Tyler icon. And then the God of Photoshop said "LET THERE BE LIGHT"


The next part will just show you how I have no idea how to Photoshop, but whatever lol.

I open another window and put the resized base there. Then I add a Vibrance +100 and Saturation +20


Now if you think this ain't pretty, just wait til our next step. Add the colour #e8ebd0 set on Colour Burn. Merge that shit down and now we have this.

A moment of silence while you feast your eyes on that beauty.

Now we take the monstrosity and set it to Soft Light on the first base. Duplicate the layer that we just set to Soft Light, Desaturate it and lower the opacity to 40%.


I took this texture (shoutout if you know who made it.) and set it to Screen. So we have this

Then comes this texture and set it to Light .I think it's either by fuuurs or innocent_lexys, but I could be wrong :/

And we keep going with the texture adding. Next is this one and I'm 100% sure that it's fuurs. I set it to Screen and mask out the borders and some other parts.

Then I duplicate the texture and lower the Screen opacity to 62%. And we have this

One more texture set to Screen. (I've masked out the borders of the texture). And then this texture set to Lighten. I mask out some parts of it as well.

And now we're finished with this.

Last step, I swear. I take this texture (again, by fuuurs) and make it b&w. Then set to Screen. I merge all the things and then sharpen a little and we're doooone C:

I notice the recreated one is a tad different from the original I made, but I must've just added a light texture by deny1984 or vetica and set it to Soft Light.

I hope you found this somewhat coherent and easy to follow. If not, you can always ask away and I'll try to explain clearer. If you were expecting some flashy photoshop magic tricks...well the joke's on you hahaha. But I will give myself a star for YOU TRIED.


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