just reminding everyone that i'm coming down to Ft.Lauderdale on the 27th for my birthday the big 21. i hope someone,anyone will throw a huge fuckin party for me brandon jlo and jeremy being that all of our b-days are in february and we need to celebrate. that and i've only had one b-day party ever and it was when i was 3 so spread the word PLEASE!
on the 50 first dates soundtrack 311 covers the cure's love song. it's really fuckin good i like the style they use and i hate covers but i actually like this one
everybody we all need to put money together to get our friend Tricia out of Indian River County Jail. we'll call it "get t bone out dat bitch fund" and if you can't spare any money at least send her a letter or go visit her. you should have seen her mug shot....it was fuckin sad as hell! help her out
in exactly one month from today i will be 21. i'm going down to ft.lauderdale to party. those of you that don't come to party with me just don't worry about talking to me for a while.it's a friday so i'm sure you guys won't have a problem with school the next day or any other excuses you have.