One of the last bittybang posts I'll make!

Dec 03, 2008 15:28

So I jumped on pensnest's Show You The Shape Of My What? as fast as I could when it came to picking art assignments, because not only is the premise for it AMAZING (Full Monty AU! SERIOUSLY, HOW SO AWESOME?), I also knew before I'd even read it that Pen is a great writer who could pull the concept off. And oh my god, I was so not disappointed. If you haven't read it yet, please run off and do so! It'll make your day.

So here is my art! I made a trailer for the story.

image Click to view

I of course did a COMPLETE BRAINFART because I was up making this till 3am, and accidentally left out some of the story title. Um. Pretend it's there anyway? (ETA: All fixed now!)

I had SO MUCH fun making this, you have no idea. If you want some background, the music used for the first part is To The Edge of the Earth from the score of The Piano. The second one is, of course, by Hot Chocolate. :D I've used clips from the show Skins, from the videos More Than That, I Want It That Way, Shape of My Heart, As Long As You Love Me, All I Have to Give, Quit Playin' Games, Show Me the Meaning, and footage from the MSN concert in London. Audiobites are from their Behind The Music.

The poster that you see pop up in the video is this one:

click it for full size!

Unfortunately I couldn't find any appropriate pictures of AJ without a shirt on. Which is strange, because there should be plenty!

That's it! Now shoo off and read the story. :D

Now I will go spend possibly the next four hours sleeping, because I've been up till 4am for the last three nights doing bittybang duties. Once I'm well rested I'll reply to the fifty emails I have in my inbox, as well as all the AWESOME feedback I've gotten so far. ♥ And then tomorrow I can start reading FIC. \o/

recs: aj/nick, vidding: is fun!, challenges: bittybang, media: graphics

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