Banner Maker Volunteer Post

Sep 05, 2010 13:28

If you're interested in helping with making banners for the winners, please comment here! No prior experience necessary; I'm happy to talk you through anything you don't know.

I'm going to leave this post open indefinitely, because the more banner makers we have, the more we can spread out the work. Please feel free to comment here any time.

Banner Requirements

* To create some uniformity in appearance, all banners should be 375x175 pixels
* All banners should include a copy of the winning icon(s) (resized, if necessary), the name of the icon maker, the text "bsg_20in20: round XX" (where XX is the round for which the banner was made), and name of the category in which the icon placed (e.g., "Best Black & White," "Artist's Choice" + "First Place Set", etc.)
* Background image, text size, font, colours, etc. are all at the discretion of the banner maker
* Examples of past banners can be seen by clicking on the various banner tags to the left

Current Volunteers

skieswideopen (Mod)
dramaturgca (Mod)
ligeres (Mod)

!mod post, !mod post: application

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