Checking in

May 19, 2020 18:34

Just to confirm I'm still around, still healthy (ish, curse this plane pollen), still working harder than I am really happy with (ow, my back), still absolutely no likelihood of returning to the office (absolutely not till July, probably not till autumn even for the odd day I think ( Read more... )

real life

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Comments 7

brunettepet May 19 2020, 18:03:59 UTC
I would have loved to see the look on the newsagent's face! The mister and I are sorting through myriad vacation postcards (we always overbuy) and sending them out near and far to keep in touch with friends. I know getting "real" mail really brightens our days and the response proves it brightens theirs as well. It's also fun to be reminded of past vacations. Hopefully we'll be able to take more one of these days.


brutti_ma_buoni May 19 2020, 20:04:48 UTC
Yes, real mail is very comforting. My local post is really unreliable at the moment though, so it's quite tricky. But hoping the society has better luck with their mailing.


kazzy_cee May 19 2020, 20:02:53 UTC
Mr Cee’s company is not opening his Hammersmith offices until September ......!


brutti_ma_buoni May 19 2020, 20:14:17 UTC
Yeah. I think we'll open to the public before I go back - us backroom people can work remotely indefinitely, they say, while we need the space in the office for frontline people. Which I'm glad of 80% but I am so, so bored of my own company, and the thought of twice as much again, minimum, is pretty vile.


sparrow2000 May 19 2020, 21:58:05 UTC
Foaming elderflower - lovely!

And I second the thought that I'd love to have seen our subpostmaster's face - that's brilliant!

Hugs you gently.


slaymesoftly May 20 2020, 01:56:29 UTC
That sounds very worthwhile.


thismaz May 20 2020, 06:37:21 UTC
110 stamps? That would have been interesting to see *g*
I'm glad you explained why you were buying them, because 110 at one go...? *g*


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