Unconventional Courtship entry: Born Great (Wesley/Illyria, PG13)

Mar 28, 2013 17:35

For the rather marvellous DW comm Unconventional Courtship, a multi-fandom challenge to take those hellish romance novel summaries as prompts and write something someone might want to read. (I used to *inhale* harlequin romances as a teenager. Either the blurbs were better, I never read the back covers, or my critical faculties were zero. Plus, I ( Read more... )

trope bingo

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Comments 25

laurose8 March 28 2013, 19:17:51 UTC
Thank you for a really excellent, added-to-memories fic.


brutti_ma_buoni March 28 2013, 20:20:15 UTC
Thanks so much!


zanthinegirl March 28 2013, 19:45:34 UTC
I like this story a whooole bunch. You made me a little sniffly! But the ending was perfect.


brutti_ma_buoni March 28 2013, 20:27:03 UTC
It's such a difficult pairing, but it's also one that fascinates me. Also, also, the only one I can ever use to write mpreg seriously - otherwise my brain doesn't take it at all well. (It was all going to be a bit cold and grim, but Natalie seemed like she should have a voice too.)


slaymesoftly March 28 2013, 20:36:50 UTC
Oh - that was so... normal! LOL Wonderful use of the shudder-worthy prompt.


brutti_ma_buoni March 28 2013, 21:06:04 UTC
Thanks! Something about the summary made me want to turn it right upside down, and Wesley/Illyria seemed like it would do the job...


eilowyn March 28 2013, 20:58:16 UTC
This is one of those fics that become headcanon so fast you can only say "well, of course it happened that way!"


brutti_ma_buoni March 28 2013, 21:06:30 UTC
Aww, thank you so much!


snickfic March 28 2013, 21:43:35 UTC
This made me :DDDDD all over. I loved it, start to finish: Wesley having trouble coping with grace, and Illyria being softer somehow, and Giles being totally unhelpful. Yes. And the ending was so perfect - precarious normality indeed!

YAY. <3

(Although, I am laughing at the fic that resulted from that summary. They are, hmm, not very alike. :D)


brutti_ma_buoni March 28 2013, 23:12:39 UTC
Heh. I may have mentioned that the prompt made me want to subvert it utterly. I'm glad the results pleased you (and thanks for the instant rec)!


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